Mrs White in the Conservatory

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JEWELRY1 |Sherbert .gold dogtag necklace – full perm (GG/free)
| JEWELRY2 |Okinawa Winter Festival .BADA.Xmas rings – bento Slink/Maitreya (free)
DRESS|JUMO .Lillia Outfit – Buttercup 5 sizes + Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (SLF&O/free)
SHOE |Hilly Haalan .XMAS gift heels – w/30 color HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (GG/free)
PANTIES |Kaithleen’s .Universal Thong – w/15 color HUD mesh bodies (GG/free)
POSE |Pose Fair Jan 5 – 26 .WEST END.flickring– pose 01 (GG/free)
After the nonstop drool fest inspired by JUMO’s Designer’s Showcase gift, I decided a trip to their mainstore was in order.  I will confess, I did part with a few of my Lindens.  However, I also left the premises with yet another lovely free gift.
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The Lillia Outfit is JUMO’s current gift for members of the SLF&O shopping group.  Lillia comes in 5 standard sizes plus additional meshes for Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza bodies.  Included in the gift is a straw handbag (not modeled).  Thanks JUMO for another lovely gift.
FYI – This dress is beautifully sheer.  If you plan on wearing this to a sim that bans nudity panties are definitely a must. Some of the best panties for mesh bodies can be found at Kaithleen’s.  Their Universal Thong group gift rocks. You can see them in our Sci-Fi Noir post.
ASU - Conservatory necklace
Here’s a closeup of the dogtag necklace from Sherbert.  This great gift actually comes without pictures in the tags.  It’s up to you to add your own.  Our model decided to drop in a few botanical images.
ASU - Conservatory hands
I hope you still have some shop left in you for this final entry.  The Okinawa Winter/New Year’s Festival is still open.  And, not only are the New Year’s gifts still out, but the Christmas area is also still open.  It’s a gift cache that will leave you digging your way out of a mass of wrapping paper.  Happy shopping!

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