Early Black Friday Goodies

SKIN |7 Deadly Skins .soya/oak – Omega applier (MGS&N GG/free)
HAIR |Ade .issa – fatpack w/style HUD (GG/free)
HAIR |Sintiklia .babyhair – fatpack w/4 styles (free)
JACKET |Black Friday Bazaar .MOoH!.jade – for classic/mesh 6 colors (GG/free)
PANTS |Black Friday Bazaar .Ahroun Designs.gina – for classic/mesh (GG/free)
BOOTS |Black Friday Bazaar .V-Twins.martina – mesh feet (GG/free)
SOCKS |Black Friday Bazaar .!TLB.lia – Omega applier 12 colors (GG/free)
No need to wait until tomorrow to get in on the Black Friday deals.  Teleport over to the Black Friday Bazaar for early gifts.  Over 50 designers are participating in the event, and most have set out a free gift bag for members of the Evil Bunny Productions group.  Yes, the group is also free to join.
Pop over to ADE for this casually fun hairstyle.  Issa is a fully featured fatpack gift with 9 color HUDs, 2 mesh models (rigged & unrigged), and a style HUD with bang & fringe options.
Issa’s bang option features an eyebrow length style which is very cute, but not the look our model was going for, so she went bangless and paired it with Sintiklia’s babyhair v.4.
Concluding today’s look is a charming skin from 7 Deadly Skins.  The oak toned Soya Omega applier is a group gift for members of Maitreya Gifts Sales & News.  You can find this and all the other shopping group gifts in the room directly behind the main desk.  Happy deal hunting!

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Goodbye Summer

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It’s time to put away the ice cube trays, and break out the marshmallows and hot chocolate.  Might as well throw in a few knits with fluffy turtlenecks from carmelo de fresa to help capture that warm toasty feeling.
carmelo de fresa has two group gift walls, one on the ground floor for various shopping group members, and one on the floor above for their store group.  And, you guessed it, the carmelo de fresa group is free to join
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The Syra turtleneck sweater dress is a complete outfit.  It comes with the sweater dress (5 standard sizes + alpha), boots (sized for Slink + alpha), and a bracelet (not pictured).  Classic avatars take note, this dress is for you.  And, if you classics own slink feet so are the boots thanks to the included alpha.
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Mesh bodied avatars, including wearers of the “gift” classic eBody and Altamura gift bodies can fix most of the fit discrepancies with their alpha system, however to achieve a perfect fit near the hemline you may need to adjust (under the Leg tab) your shape’s butt and saddle bags sizes.  Depending on your shape, you might need to lower the slider for leg muscles to fit into the boots.
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You’ll have to pick up each variation of the dress from the gift wall to get all these patterns.
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If you’re not a fan of thigh highs, we found these great ankle boots from V-Twins at the SPOTLIGHT Fair.  They are sized for Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink feet.  Get over to SPOTLIGHT ASAP, today is the last day they’ll be out.
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We’ve saved the biggest news for last…
Today is the first day of the Hair Fair 2018Hair Fair 2018 runs through October 7th, so don’t despair if the sims are full at the start.
This wonderful 1920’s style is a fatpack gift from No_Match.  It comes with color and accessory HUDS, and is resizable.  Thanks No_Match we simply love this hair!
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Iona’s Style Card:
HAIR – No_Match No.Girl – non-rigged, fatpack+accessory HUD @ Hair Fair 2018 (0L)
OUTFIT – carmelo de fresa Syra – mesh+classic bodies w/slink feet (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOE2 – V-Twins Bootleggerz – w/color HUD Belleza/Slink/Maitreya @ SPOTLIGHT Fair (0L)

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