Unicorns & Goth, Who Knew?

AS - Oct CB1

HAIR |Second Life Marketplace.Alli&Ali.Valentina Hair – Black/pink (free) 
| SKIN |Second Life Marketplace.Mert & BusenuR.Juliet Skin – one tone + no brow option Maitreya/Slink/Catwa/Loud Mouth/Omega/system layers (free)
| EYES |Second Life Marketplace.LadyBunny's Fantasy.Hallows Web – mesh/system/Omega/Lelutka (free)   
| MAKEUP |Livia.Just Reds – 6 color HUD appliers + system layers (GG/free)
| JEWELRY |Ajuda Brasil Voluntarios.RxK.Nina Chooker - mesh choker w/8 color HUD & resize (free)
| JEWELRY |Second Life Marketplace.Kukuvaya.Rose Eternelle Earrings – 10 colors + resize (free) 
| JEWELRY |Second Life Marketplace.Kukuvaya.Rose Eternelle Necklace – 10 colors + resize (free) 
| OUTFIT |The Gothic Unicorn.Halloween Outfit – dress/shoes Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (GG/free) 

The Gothic Unicorn, that’s who.  Simply visit the store and join their free group to make today’s outfit your very own.

ASU - Oct CBF2
This lovely skin from Mert & BusenuR is a phenomenal gift.  It includes system layers for classic avatars, and a bunch of specialized appliers, plus the all purpose Omega applier.  Not only that, the package includes no brow and cleavage options.

I love these subtly macabre spider web eyes from LadyBunny. The included appliers work great.  However, it’s also wonderful to know the box contains both mesh and system eyes. Thanks LadyBunny for making a product all avatars can enjoy!

And that’s a wrap.  Until next time, shop happy.


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