A Gift a Day


HAIR |Olive Hair.Sabrina Hair – Bubble Goth colorway & headband HUDs (lucky board/free)
| MANICURE |Cremosas Store.Bento Nails Gift – silver/black Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free) 
| DRESS |Cremosas Store.January Calendar gift – gold dress Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Day 18/free)
| SHOES |Mosquito's Way.Kendra Boots – one color Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/TMP/Classic (group gift/free)

Now that advent calendar season is officially over, I find myself mourning the loss of that steady supply of daily gifts.  At least I was up until the moment I stopped by Cremosas Store.  Lo and behold, I found a new monthly gift calendar for January.  Simply join Cremosas’ fee free group to collect the daily gifts from the January calendar. That’s a whopping 31 gifts available throughout the month of January.

Group membership also grants access to 28 lucky boards and 8 additional group gifts.  Plus, Cremosas supplies gifts to 30 different shopping groups, many of which are free to join.  That my friends should be enough goodies to help you through your postadvent depression!


HAIR |Olive Hair.Sabrina Hair – Bubble Goth colorway & headband HUDs (lucky board/free)
| DRESS |Cremosas Store.January Calendar gift – white Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Day 2/free) 
| SHOES |Cremosas Store.January Calendar gift – white/gold Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Day 1/free)

The January gifts include articles from almost every section of the store.  I simply could not resist modeling thing this sexy little white dress and heels.


HAIR |Olive Hair.Sabrina Hair – Bubble Goth colorway & headband HUDs (lucky board/free)
| ONESIE |Cremosas Store.January Calendar gift – blue/denim Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Day 3/free) 
| SHOES |Cremosas Store.January Calendar gift – white/gold Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Day 1/free)

Today’s featured hair is Sabrina from Olive.  This fun hairdo is one of many styles available on Olive’s lucky boards.  The boards are free for all visitors you play, so exercising a bit of patience virtually guarantees you’ll leave with a new do.  Happy shopping everyone!


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A Perfect Shopping Spree

Designers Showcase

Designers Showcase Gifts Jan-2020

HAIR |NYNE.Diana Hair – Lucky HUD (lucky board/free)
| SKIN & SHAPE |Designer's Showcase.7 Deadly Skins.Timeless Skin & Shape – skin appliers + BOM (group gift/free) 
| OUTFIT |Designer's Showcase.Wild.Victoria dress/heels – Peplum dress for mesh & classic bodies / heels sized for Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)
| JEWELRY |Designer's Showcase.Moondance Boutique.Sophi Set – Necklace/Earrings/Bracelets/Rings with gem/metals HUD (group gift/free)

That is exactly what you’ll have if you attend the current round at Designer’s Showcase.  It’s the event’s 9th birthday, and that means several of the participants have set out awesome gifts.  Simply join the Designer’s Showcase free group, wear the tag, and click the gift boxes to walk away with today’s featured look.

Wild Fashion & Beauty’s gift made putting together this outfit a snap.  The Victoria Set includes a sultry cocktail dress and heels.  Accessorize with the fabulous jewelry gift from Moondance Boutique.  This set includes a necklace, earrings, bracelets, and rings all controlled by a detailed HUD.


Here’s a closeup of the lovely skin and shape gift from 7 Deadly Skins (7DS).  The shape was created for Genus heads, but with a little tweaking it’s not hard to duplicate the look.  As an added bonus, the skin pack also includes a BOM layer for all to enjoy. Thanks 7DS for another gorgeous gift!

Finish off the look with a fresh hairstyle from NYNE’s lucky boards.  If you don’t have time to wait for your letter, join NYNE’s free group to instantly access the group gift area.

Until next time, happy shopping everyone!

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Belle of the Ball

JUMO advent


HAIR |JUMO.Janelle Hair – Black + hairbase HUDs (Day 22/free) 
| DRESS |JUMO.Alethea Outfit – Gown/panties/jewelry Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Day 25/free)
| SHOES |JUMO.Marion Sandal – 12 color HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Day 20/free) 

It’s hard to believe I’m still out gathering up advent calendar gifts.  But, gather I am.  Of course this time it was a completely accidental stumble upon that left me jumping with joy!

I was wondering what to blog next when I realized I completely forgot to drop by JUMO  during Christmas.  I love JUMO, and shop there whenever I get the chance.  Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of freebies in the store, so I don’t often get to blog them.  Imagine my delight when I found 14 completely free gifts at JUMO’s landing point.

These gifts are all absolutely lovely.  Many of the gowns come with matching accessories.  And, the hair gifts come with a complete complement of hairbases.  The gifts are from a twelve days of Christmas advent calendar, that has a bonus New Year’s gift.

Jumo face

Here’s a nice closeup of the Alethea jewelry set.  Hurry over to JUMO peeps, these gifts won’t stay out for much longer.  Until next time, shop happy!

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Shoppin’and a Hoppin’



HAIR |Shop & Hop Golden.MINA.Milena Hair – Naturals HUD (free)
| ROMPER |Shop & Hop Gleaming.ViSion.300L Gift Card – Tessa Romper (giftcard buy/free)
| MANICURE |Shop & Hop Gleaming.ZoZ.Early Snow Polish – Maitreya/Slink/Omega appliers + 12 color HUD (free)
| SHOES |Shop & Hop Halcyon.Addams.Maisie Chelsea Boots High Sole – fatpack HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (free)
| CANE |Shop & Hop Golden.DeadWool.Goat Cane – Comes with 2 poses (free)

Shop & Hop is back!  And, it’s bigger and better than ever.  120 designers have spread across 6 sims.  Best of all, each Shop & Hop participant sets out a gift. That my friends is a whole lot of freebieliciousness!

At this point, some of the more savvy freebie hunters may look at this post and think:  “Hey, Shop & Hop started December 13th – this is old news!”  Indeed, covering Shop & Hop this far into the event is by no means a scoop.  But, this is the perfect time to leisurely stroll the virtually empty sims and make sure you haven’t missed picking up any of the gifts.

One of my favorite gifts this year is the 300L gift card given by ViSion.  I used mine to buy this sexy little romper!


Heads up hair lovers, there are six great hairstyle freebies just waiting to be found.

Basically, there is a little something for everyone.  So, don’t delay because Shop & Hop ends on January 6th.  To help you navigate Shop & Hop I’ve compiled a shopping directory.  Have fun everyone!



Aurelian Sim

Elika Tira
Utopia Design
Sweet Thing
The Forge
Miss Chelsea
Loft & Aria
E. Marie

Gilded Sim

Vanilla Bae
Rama Salon
Pretty Deceased
Serenity Style
Half Deer
Rebel Gal
Tres Blah
Candy Kitten
Dead Dollz

Golden Sim

Body Language/Sweet Lovely Cute
Bauhaus Movement
Belle Epoque
Milk Motion
Le Fil Casse
Boys to the Bone
Namii Chu
Moon Rabbit

Halcyon Sim

Schaden Freude
Just Because
Never Totally Dead
West End
Rezz Room

Gleaming Sim

Pepe Skins
Swear Lapointe Bastchild
Chez Moi
Pink Rayne

Tinseled Sim

Vista Animations
What Next
Salt & Pepper
Vanity Hair
Silvan Moon Designs
Valentina E.
Zed Designz
Bella Moda
Tachinni Clothing
Petit Chat


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Never Ending Advents


HAIR |Analog Dog.Leela Hair – Dark Reds HUD (freeball/free) 
| MAKEUP |Livia.Just Reds – 6 color HUD appliers + system layers (GG/free)
| JEWELRY |Glitter.Magic Star necklace – with resize (Group Advent gift/free) 
| OUTFIT |Queenz.Amorous Bodysuit – blue Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/eBody/Katena/BBL/9s (Christmas tree gift/free) 
| SHOES |Queenz.Rebel heels – fatpack HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/eBody (Group Gift/free)

I love it when an advent calendar stays active through the season, allowing for past gift pickup.  So, put on your comfy shoes and grab a trolley, we’ve got serious collecting to do.

Let’s start at eBento.  Their advent calendar features a whopping 70 gifts, and is unlocked for group members.  Simply join eBento’s free group to start clicking your way into gift oblivion.  This round closes December 31st, so time is of the essence.

Fan’s of short and sassy dresses should head over to DM Design next.  Join their free group to collect 24 lovely little dresses from their open advent calendar.  If that isn’t enough for you, visit the group gift area to gather 8 more gifts.

Next, head over to Glitter to raid their unlocked advent calendar.  Glitter’s group is temporarily free to join, so why not indulge?


HAIR |Analog Dog.Leela Hair – Dark Reds HUD (freeball/free)
| MAKEUP |Livia.Just Reds – 6 color HUD appliers + system layers (GG/free)
| JEWELRY |eBento Advent Calendar.Ethereal. Trilogy Chest Piercing – Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/eBody/Tonic (Group Advent gift/free)
| TATTOO |eBento Advent Calendar.WitchCraft.Winter Friends – Maitreya/Belleza/Omega (Group Advent gift/free)
| DRESS |DM Design.Antonia dress – Maitreya/Slink/eBody/standard Large & Small (Group Advent gift/free)
| SHOES |Legendaire.Yuba boots – 10 color HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Group Gift/free)

Queenz‘ group members can still pickup several very nice gifts located under the Christmas tree.  The group is free to join, and features a generously stocked group gift wall.

Legendaire also has several Christmas gifts dotted around the store for its group members.  Normally, Legendaire’s group has a join fee, but the owners have temporarily set the fee to 0L.  Not only does the store give monthy group gifts, but it always maintains a generous group gift area.

The last store on today’s list is Analog Dog.  Today’s featured hairstyle can be found in their recently updated freeball.

Here’s to the holidays, and awesome free shopping!


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Gift Yourself Happy!


HAIR |Cosmopolitan Room.EMO-tions.Rebecca Hair – Blondes HUD (Christmas tree gift/free) 
| EYES |Euphoric.Hypnotic Poison mesh eyes – color HUD & system eyes (SLF&O group gift/free)
| JEWELRY |Cosmopolitan Room.RHUDE.Lot of Love necklace – 2 colors (Christmas tree gift/free)
| COAT |Cosmopolitan Room.Amataria.Ashley fur coat – one color fitmesh (Christmas tree gift/free)
| TOP |Scandalize.Jazzie Top - patterned Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (Christmas tree gift/Jfree)  
| PANTS |WellMade.Lilah Pants – Jean Colorway HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (gift card/free)   
| SHOES |Cosmopolitan Room.Little Fox.Amelia suede heels – color HUD mesh feet (Christmas tree gift/free)

It may be the day after, but there are still a ton of fantastic Christmas gifts around the grid just waiting to be found.  Not only that, but many normally fee based groups have dropped their joining fees for the holiday season that is rapidly coming to an end.  So, prepare yourself for a flurry of short and sweet posts highlighting great finds.

I bought these jeans at Wellmade.  Wellmade’s advent calendar day 24 gift is a gift card. It’s still available so hurry over.  Simply join the store’s free group, click day 24, and buy an item of your choosing.

Next, pop over to Scandalize for a giftaliscous experience.  The store’s group is temporarily free to join. Scandalize is notoriously generous to their group members,  Currently, members can pickup 24 gifts under the Christmas tree, along with over 20 gifts from the group area.  And, that does not factor in the numerous lucky board gifts waiting to be won.

Most of today’s items can be found on the Cosmopolitan Room’s Christmas tree.  Join the event’s fee free group and click on the gingerbread stockings decorating the tree.  Each stocking is filled with a lovely little gift.

Finish off today’s look with a visit to Euphoric.  At present, Euphoric’s group is free to join, and offers past group gifts.  The Hypnotic eyes featured above are a free gift for members of the SLF&O shopping group.  Did I mention SLF&O is free to join?

Until next time, shop happy!



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Glamorous Gifts

Dec Vanity Gifts

AS - Nov5

HAIR |Peace On Earth Hunt 2019.EscalateD.Feodosia Hair – 3 color(+ 1 style) HUDs with resize (hunt gift/free) 
| JEWELRY1 |Vanity Event.Yasum.Hoop Earrings – gold (group gift/free)
| JEWELRY2 |Vanity Event.Supernatural.Maho necklace – gold with 3 color control HUDs (group gift/free)
| DRESS |Vanity Event.Celestina's Weddings.Brisa Gown – cherry Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)
| MANICURE |Vanity Event.Jam.Mesh Nails – Jean Colorway - 20 shade HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (group gift/free)    
| SHOES |FaMESHed.Pheodora.Hanna Heels – red Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (group gift/free)

It’s time to dial up your wow factor.  This smexy gown ensemble is perfect for that formal event lurking on your holiday calendar.  Best of all, the items are free, and easy to round up.

The bulk of today’s items are Vanity Event gifts.  Most of the designers in this Vanity round have set out a lovely gift box for all attendees.  Simply join Vanity’s free group to collect dozens of fabulous gifts.

Next, head over to Pheodora’s booth at FaMESHed to pick up these lovely heels.  FaMESHed’s December round is fantastic!

Finally, pop over to EscalateD to find the featured hairstyle.  Feodosia is EscalateD’s Peace On Earth hunt gift.  Feodosia comes with several color and style HUDs.  It’s a quirky updo that is well worth adding to your inventory.

Here’s to enjoying the season, and shopping happy!



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So Many Goodies, So Little Time

Christmas Gifts


HAIR |FaMESHed.Limerence.Nata Hair – rigged/unrigged with color + tint HUD (group gift/free) 
| JEWELRY1 |Winter Dreams Market.SynCo.Christmas Lights Necklace – 4 colors copy/mod (free)
| JEWELRY2 |FaMESHed.AvaWay.Sindy rings – Bento rigged for Maitreya bodies (group gift/free)
| JEWELRY3 |FaMESHed.e.Marie.Button Pins – Naughty & Nice (group gift/free)
| OUTFIT |Applique Chic.Festive Set – Sweater & Skirt separates Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Ocacin/& Classic (mania board/free)    
| SHOES |FaMESHed.Garbaggio.Cate Boots – crimson Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (group gift/free)

December is one of the best months for freebie hunting in Second Life!  The grid is teaming with gifts.  Advent Calendars, hunts, special store Christmas gifts, and holiday events make living large something everyone, regardless of their budget can do.

I recently discovered Applique Chic when I was out scouting advent calendars.  This store has two free advent calendars.  That’s a set of gifts for male and female avatars.  As an added bonus, the Applique Chic group is free to join, has a bank of lucky chairs, several daily manias for all to enjoy.

Today’s cozy sweater and skirt outfit is currently a daily mania gift that only needs 25 people to slap the board.  So, gather up your friends and head over to Applique Chic, it’s well worth the teleport.


Completing today’s look requires two more teleports.  This cute little necklace is one of many gifts at the Winter Dreams Market. You’ll find lots of great gifts circling around the train decor.  Most of the gifts are free, however some aren’t, so be careful with the wild clicking.  While at the market be sure to check out their advent calendar.

Our last stop is FaMESHed.  The December 2019 round is in full swing, and let me tell you, it is loaded with awesome gifts! Today’s hairstyle, boots, buttons, and Bento rings are all booth gifts at FaMESHed.

And that my friends is a wrap.  Shop happy everyone!

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Guy Time

Male Fashion Nov 2019


HAIR |Dura.2015 Unisex Gift – Hat/Hair 5 color HUD + resize Menu (group gift/free) 
| EYES |Black Friday Bazaar.Stunner Originals.Positivity Eyes – 8 color HUD mesh eyes + appliers Catwa/Genus/Omega (group gift/free)
| TOP |Second Life Marketplace.Quartz Paris Couture.Mutiny Tee – fitmesh in tucked & loose versions (free)   
| SHORTS & SHOES |Second Life Marketplace.To Be Unique.2 Gifts – fitmesh (free)

I know, it’s been far too long since my last male themed post.  So, I thought I’d start off by doing a quick Second Life Marketplace search for freebies.   Which is where I found the free clothing for today’s look.

To Be Unique and Quartz Paris Couture supplied the male top and bottom clothing.  All of the items are fitmesh, so are wearable by both classic and mesh avatars.  Mesh avatars will probably have to use a bit of their alpha system.  Overall, fitting was a cinch.


To finish off this look, you’ll have to teleport over to Dura and the Black Friday Bazaar.  At Dura, simply join the store’s free group to get this beanie hairstyle from their group gift area.  This style comes with a five color HUD, and includes a resize menu.

Group joining is also a must at the Black Friday Bazaar.  However, the group is fee free so it’s really no problem at all.  This event runs through December 1st and has over 60 designer booths giving out a nice freebie.  Visit Stunner Originals’ booth to pick up these vivid mesh eyes.  The gift includes mesh eyes and mesh appliers.  Thanks Stunner Originals for giving a gift everyone can enjoy!

Until next time, shop happy.


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Let’s Go Batty, Let’s Get Chaotic!


HAIR |Olive Hair.Berry Hair flipped – 2 styles fatpack (midnight mania/free) 
| JEWELRY |Second Life Marketplace.JAIRIS.WebSpider earrings – copy/mod (free)  
| JEWELRY |Trick Or Treat Lane.PKC.Batsy Septum – 3 colors (free)  
| SKIN |7 Deadly Skins.Feny – 3 tones w/brow option appliers (mini-mania/free) 
| EYES |Trick Or Treat Lane.A.D.D.Andel!.Bat Eyes – mesh/system/Omega applier (free)
| DRESS |{Chaotic}.Kane Dress – Bats Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/eBody/Tonic (free)
| TIGHTS |Trick Or Treat Lane.AlaskaMetro.Batty Tights – system layers & Omega applier (free) 
| SHOES |{Chaotic}.Bat Pumps – Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (free)

No matter how hard I try, today’s title simply doesn’t sub well into the Prince tune playing in my head.   Instead of wasting time trying to rewrite a classic, let’s just go to {Chaotic}.  The store always has a wonderful gift section, but with Halloween approaching, the freebies have multiplied.  Follow the pumpkins to the Halloween room to make the dress and pumps above your own.


Pop over to the Trick Or Treat Lane event for the bat septum, bat eyes, and batty tights.  The event runs through November 1st, and is packed with over 50 designers.  There’s a fantastic free gift in every booth.

batshair (1)

Today’s boldly big hair is one of Olive’s rotating Midnight Mania fatpack gifts.  So, if you miss it this time, don’t worry, it will cycle back next week.  While at Olive, check out the fast moving lucky boards.  They are loaded with lots of lovely hairstyles.  Best of all, they’re free for everyone to play.

The last stop on our list is 7 Deadly Skins for the Feny skin.  Feny is featured on the free-to-play Mini Mania board.  This lovely skin comes in three shades with brow/no brow options.  7 Deadly Skins also sets gifts out for members of various Second Life shopping groups.

Until next time, shop happy.

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