| HAIR |Sintiklia .Sheba slicked back – w/color + hat HUD (free)
| JACKET |Shop & Hop Event .Blueberry.250L credit – Minnie coat in pixie w/t-shirt HUD (199L/free w/credit)
| HAT |Beautiful Dirty Rich .Holidays Little Diva – color + tint HUD (GG/free)
| PANTS |SL Marketplace .Delizio.classic jeans – classic jeans w/appliers for mesh (free)
| SHOE |The Free Dove .LBB.Kenji boots – resize menu + color HUD (GG/free)
Only 2 days left to Shop & Hop! This gift rich winter shopping event only runs through January 4th, so it’s time to get your shop on.
Our classic model, Gabby, decided pop over to Blueberry and redeem her event store credit. She chose the Minnie coat (shade pixie). Minnie is sized for mesh bodies only, so there is no alpha for classic avatars in the box. Of course, that does not mean classic avatars can’t wear this. It simply means you have to be a bit creative by borrowing alphas you already have in your inventory.
Or, you can do what Gabby did, and simply wear one of the included meshes for a curvier body type such as Venus or Hourglass. Going curvy will usually solve most fit problems. Plus, you have the added joy of going voluptuous without having to purchase the body. **WARNING – wearing curvy mesh clothing on a classic avatar is a virtual Wonder Spanx – the effect ends when the coat comes off (wink, wink).**
Today’s hair is one of several free (no group join required) gifts at Sintiklia. The way the hair flows seamlessly over the mesh hooded jacked is simply great. The Sheba hair is designed to be a hat hair, and comes with the option of making the included hat invisible so that you can wear any hat of your choosing.
Gabby decided to wear the hat from B.D.R.’s Little Diva outfit originally modeled here. Little Diva’s HUD includes a tint picker for creating infinite color choices. Gabby had no problem tinting the hat to match the shade of her coat.
I wanted to have our model pair this outfit with a nice pair of UGG styled winter boots. Unfortunately, none of our team was able to track down a current freebie. Cabal, yesterday’s model, overheard our dilemma and proceeded to bust up laughing. He just kept looking down at his boots and roaring. And, that’s when the light bulb exploded. Ladies, the Kenji boots may be in the men’s section of The Free Dove, but that doesn’t mean we can’t wear them too! Shop happy peeps!
Happy 2019!
| EYES |SL Marketplace .Eoma Shilova.sunrise eyes – mesh w/fatpack HUD (free)
| COAT |“F” Store Freebie Junkies .Breath.Ohsamu black – coat/top/scarf (free)
| PANTS |“F” Store Freebie Junkies .Breath.rope jeans – skin/rope HUD (free)
| SHOE |The Free Dove .LBB.Kenji boots – resize menu + color HUD (GG/free)
Happy New Year everyone! Guys, this post is for you. You can recreate today’s look for yourself in just two teleports.
First, you’ll want to visit one of the grid’s newest freebie centers: “F” Store Freebie Junkies. Though the the store does have some female clothing, most of its inventory is for male avatars. There are enough goodies to keep you busy for a fair few minutes.
Both the upper body coat outfit and the jeans include alpha layers for classic avatar use. These mesh outfits are not sized for specific name brand bodies. However as long as you have a good alpha system included with your mesh body, wearing them is a snap. Don’t panic when the skin showing through the ripped jeans does not match your skin tone. Simply put on the included jean HUD and choose a pre-loaded tone. If needed, you can then add hues by using the tint picker.
Next, simply pop over to The Free Dove. If you’re not a member, join the store’s free group. Then walk over to the men’s section for the Kenji Boots by La Bella Boutique (LBB). These boots can be worn by both mesh and classic avatars, and come with a resize menu system plus a color change HUD.
Until next time, happy shopping!
Gotta Click Them All
| HAIR |PeaceOnEarth Hunt ..EscalateD.poppy hair – style&color HUDs (POE gift/free)
| SKIN |Clef de Peau .Diana Skin – appliers only (GG/free)
| TATTOO1 |PeaceOnEarth Hunt .Taox Tattoo.choose joy – full body (POE gift/free)
| TATTOO2 |Speakeasy .consume – leg appliers (free)
| OUTFIT |Queenz .Induce outfit – fatpack HUD for mesh bodies (GG/free)
| JEWELRY1 |Swank .Chop Zuey.Parvati earrings – w/color HUD (free)
| JEWELRY2 |SL Marketplace .!Cartouche!.Luxe necklace – w/status & RLV (free)
| SHOE |PeaceOnEarth Hunt .D.E. Boutique.poema heels – mesh feet (POE gift/free)
…or get calluses trying!
So many of those awesome Christmas gifts that have been hanging around the grid will vanish as the New Year descends upon us. With partying to do in both worlds, I kind of wish I’d gotten a functional Tardis under my Christmas tree.
If you have not visited Swank yet, drop everything and teleport over. Today is the last day of Swank’s Winter Festival, and there are a ton of great gifts to collect that don’t require a group join.
The Peace On Earth Hunt also ends today. I know hunting at the last minute can be a pain, but these hints are helpful making the gifts not overly difficult to find. Click the following link – POE Hints. Preview the gifts here: POE prizes.
I combined the upper body of Taox Tattoo’s Choose Joy, and the lower body of Speakeasy’s consume tattoo to achieve today’s look.
Here’s a closeup of the skin and hair gifts.
The color HUD packaged with these earrings gives two metal choices and several lovely stone colors.
These unconventional heels are simply gorgeous and they come sized for Slink, Maitreya, and Belleza mesh feet. Have fun scouring the grid for gifts. Happy New Year’s Eve everyone!
Bubbly Anyone?
| HAIR |KoKoLoReS .Miri – rigged w/color & star HUDs (NO LONGER AVAILABLE)| JEWELRY1 |SL Marketplace .Izzie's.snowman earrings – w/metal & pearl HUD (free) | JEWELRY2 |RealEvil Industries .Orbit necklace – w/metal & pearl HUD (GG/free) | DRESS |Beautiful Dirty Rich .Holidays Little Diva – color + tint HUD (GG/free) | SHOE |Patula's House .Olimpia Heels – sole/metal accent HUD (GG/free)
Here’s a perfect little dress to welcome in the New Year. The creative talent at Beautiful Dirty Rich (B.D.R.) packed together a fantastic set of 7 fabric, 6 fur, and 7 belt textures, plus a tint picker and a materials slider into one easy to use HUD. The gift also includes a lovely fur trimmed hat not pictured. Thanks B.D.R. for this stunning gift!
Here’s a nice closeup of RealEvil Industries’ Orbit necklace. You’ll have to join the free store group to pick up this gift. That shouldn’t prove to be overly burdensome considering this creator offers quite a few past gifts.
Divert your attention to the ear area, and you’ll see that sweet little snowman earring. These seasonal beauties are a lovely marketplace freebie just waiting to insinuate themselves into your inventory.
These delicate heels require a trip to Patula’s House. Join their free group, then pop up to the first floor to raid Patula’s group gift wall. Also, be sure to take a good look around the entire store for pockets of even more group gifts. Shop happy everyone!
Great Gifts!
| HAIR |NYNE .Cicil – rigged w/color picker HUD (GG/free)
| OUTFIT |Shop & Hop Event .Blueberry.250L credit – Laura outfit in sky (250L/free w/credit)
| SHOE |SL Marketplace .Duh!.engineer boots – wearable demo Tan (free)
** This body was completely free earlier this year during the WOH hunt. It is now free for members of the Altamura group. For the 2018 holiday season Altamura has reduced their group join fee to 25 Lindens.**
| BODY |Amestate .Altamura.Emanuelle – mesh body w/AO & alpha HUDs (GG/25L temporary group join fee)
| MAKEUP |Amestate .Altamura.Emanuelle lipstick – 4 colors (GG/25L temporary group join fee)
I have three little words to inspire you to get over to the Shop & Hop Event before it ends: Blueberry store credit! That’s 250 Lindens worth of a store credit to be exact. It’s the perfect amount to add an item in your favorite Blueberry color to your wardrobe.
This is Blueberry’s Laura outfit that comes boxed as two separates. Separates are especially nice to have when dressing non Belleza/Maitreya/&Slink bodies. Today’s model is wearing Emanuelle, a past WOH gift body from Altamura. While dressing she found the dress sized for Maitreya fit the lower body best. However, the cropped sweater sized for Slink fit her chest and shoulders best. So, don’t be afraid to mix and match mesh clothing to get the best look on bodies not supported by your favorite designers.
Zip over to NYNE to pickup this fun winter hairdo. Simply join their free group to get the Cicil hair. It comes with a nice color picker HUD, allowing for virtually unlimited colors. Also, if you wander to the back of the store you’ll find several shelves of past gifts.
Finish off this look with a wearable demo from Duh! found in the marketplace. The boots can be resized, and positioned to achieve a perfect fit. Happy shopping everyone!
Shop & Hop Your Heart Out!
| HAIR |Shop & Hop Event .Vanity Hair.Monaco – resizable w/4 color HUD (free)
| EYES |SL Marketplace .NSS.Vermeer mesh eyes – wearable demo Amethyst (free)
| JEWELRY1 |Shop & Hop Event .Elle Boutique.snowgirl necklace – w/HUD (free)
| JEWELRY2 |Shop & Hop Event .Azoury.Sagesse set – earrings & hat (free)
| ONESIE |Shop & Hop Event .Bakaboo.Fantasy jumpsuit – mesh & classic (free)
| SHOE |Shop & Hop Event .Momento.chunky sandals – 2 colors (free)
| HEAD |Altamura .12 Days of XMAS – Leila head Omega compatible (GG/25L to join)
With so many wonderful free events going on across the grid it’s easy to miss out on a load of excellent goodies. I’ve been so focused on checking out advent calendars I almost missed a giant winter shopping event organized by the Lindens.
The Shop & Hop Event has 100 stores spread out over 5 sims:
- Shop & Hop Winter Shopping Event – Tinseled Sim
- Shop & Hop Winter Shopping Event – Gilded Sim
- Shop & Hop Winter Shopping Event – Golden Sim
- Shop & Hop Winter Shopping Event – Halcyon Sim
- Shop & Hop Winter Shopping Event – Aurelian Sim
And, as you may have guessed, each store has set out one completely free (no group join required) gift. Shop & Hop runs through January 4, 2019. So, gather your shopping bags together and shop happy!
Here’s a closeup of a few of the Shop & Hop jewelry gifts and the gift from Vanity Hair.
Though it will cost you 25 Lindens to join the group, this is Altamura’s Leila (12 Days of Chrismas) group gift. She is quite lovely as is (pictured above), however she’s also Omega compatible. A quick visit to Omega Solutions to purchase the Omega Applier HUD for 99 Lindens will leave you with lovely bento rigged mesh head that only cost 124 Lindens total.
Leila, does not come with a HUD controller, but it’s not necessary. Altamura supplies an easy to follow notecard with links for free eyes and free applier clearing HUDs that make changing skins a snap.
Above is a picture of Leila wearing applier skins from 7 Deadly Skins. I was a bit skeptical when I realized Leila didn’t come with a HUD interface of her own. But, after working with her for literally no more than 10 minutes, I realized a HUD simply isn’t necessary. And, in some ways it’s a lot easier adding your makeup without using a cumbersome HUD.
Let’s finish off with a closeup of Momento’s Shop & Hop shoe gift. Happy Christmas Eve everyone. Enjoy!
Gather Around the Christmas Tree
| HAIR |.EscalateD. .Advent Calendar Day 19 – Caddie hair w/HUDs (GG/free)
| HORNS |Cosmopolitan .Yokai.Christmas Spirit Horns (GG/free)
| OUTFIT |Cosmopolitan .Kenny Rolands.gift – jeans/sweater mesh bodies (GG/free)
| SHOES |SL Marketplace .VaVaVoom.Xmas Bell Boots – for all avatars (free)
| PROP |Cosmopolitan .Sequel.gift – sleigh of presents (GG/free)
Cosmopolitan Events is hosting an advent calendar December 15 – 25th. On my first visit I missed the calendar completely. Of course, the calendar is in plain sight, it’s simply not traditionally looking.
Upon entering the Cosmopolitan Room, the beautiful Christmas tree between the entrance doors is actually the advent calendar. The Christmas stockings hanging on the tree are the calendar gifts. Join Cosmopolitan’s free group to collect the gifts. It’s that easy.
Today’s hair is another advent gift from EscalateD. The Caddie hair comes with a style and color HUD. This is an especially nice hair with lots of different style combinations. Best of all, EscalateD’s advent calendar allows for collecting all past gifts so it is not to late to get in on these wonderful styles.
To finish off today’s look, simply open up the marketplace and these festive boots for 0 Lindens. Happy shopping!
Burgundy Yule
| HAIR|SL Marketplace .bonbon.vina hair – fatpack (free)
| JEWELRY |The Free Dove .tiffany design.ava set – group join required (hunt gift/free)
| DRESS |GothiCatz .Bells dress – fits mesh & classic (free)
| SHOES |Gos Boutique .Lady G pumps – for mesh feet (GG/free)
Burgundy lovers this is your lucky weekend. GothiCatz has put out a lovely little wrap dress in your favorite color. It’s sized for both mesh and classic avatars, and is a completely free gift for all store visitors.
Equally hassle free is this fab hairstyle from bonbon. Simply pop into the marketplace and buy this free hairstyle. Vina comes as a complete fatpack that includes several outstanding ombre shaded HUDs.
This sweet jewelry set comes complements of Tiffany Designs by way of The Free Dove. Tiffany is sponsoring one of several store hunts inside The Free Dove. Not only will you find this jewelry set, but you’ll also find 9 other great gifts from Tiffany Designs.
Pop by Gos Boutique to pickup these great pumps. The group is free to join, and offers several great past gifts. You’re bound to leave happy!
Just Wanna Be Your Teddy Bear
| AVATAR |SL Marketplace .ShiftingReality.teddy avatar – w/cat hat (free)
| PROP |SL Marketplace .Casa.tree set – 2 sizes in 3 colors w/music (free)
Want to amp up your cuddle factor for the holidays? Try out this adorable marketplace freebie from ShiftingReality. It’s mesh and just too cute to pass by.
If you haven’t put out a Christmas tree yet, this mesh beauty is also a marketplace find. It’s mesh, comes in two sizes, three colors, and has a music on and off function featuring 5 Christmas songs. Enjoy!
Cabbits Need Candy Too!
| AVATAR |Second Life Marketplace.Happy Paw.Cabbit Avatar – mesh copy/mod (free) | AVATAR |Second Life Marketplace.maiworks.Halloween Candy Bag – 8 treats & 2 poses (free)
Still undecided on your 2018 Halloween look? Go furry, be a Cabbit. This wonderful mesh avatar can be found in Happy Paws’ marketplace store. It comes in 10 colors with a tail up or down option. Plus, the UV and shadow textures are included in the packaging allowing for users to create their own truly unique look.
Here’s a look from the back at the tail positions.
This is Cabbit’s full color range.
Such a sweet face! The eyes are especially nice. Thanks Happy Paws for such a sweet gift avatar.
The Halloween treat bag can also be found in the marketplace. Maiworks has thoughtfully loaded the bag with 8 different treats, 2 poses, and a lovely little ghost shoulder pet.