Gift Yourself Happy!


HAIR |Cosmopolitan Room.EMO-tions.Rebecca Hair – Blondes HUD (Christmas tree gift/free) 
| EYES |Euphoric.Hypnotic Poison mesh eyes – color HUD & system eyes (SLF&O group gift/free)
| JEWELRY |Cosmopolitan Room.RHUDE.Lot of Love necklace – 2 colors (Christmas tree gift/free)
| COAT |Cosmopolitan Room.Amataria.Ashley fur coat – one color fitmesh (Christmas tree gift/free)
| TOP |Scandalize.Jazzie Top - patterned Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (Christmas tree gift/Jfree)  
| PANTS |WellMade.Lilah Pants – Jean Colorway HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (gift card/free)   
| SHOES |Cosmopolitan Room.Little Fox.Amelia suede heels – color HUD mesh feet (Christmas tree gift/free)

It may be the day after, but there are still a ton of fantastic Christmas gifts around the grid just waiting to be found.  Not only that, but many normally fee based groups have dropped their joining fees for the holiday season that is rapidly coming to an end.  So, prepare yourself for a flurry of short and sweet posts highlighting great finds.

I bought these jeans at Wellmade.  Wellmade’s advent calendar day 24 gift is a gift card. It’s still available so hurry over.  Simply join the store’s free group, click day 24, and buy an item of your choosing.

Next, pop over to Scandalize for a giftaliscous experience.  The store’s group is temporarily free to join. Scandalize is notoriously generous to their group members,  Currently, members can pickup 24 gifts under the Christmas tree, along with over 20 gifts from the group area.  And, that does not factor in the numerous lucky board gifts waiting to be won.

Most of today’s items can be found on the Cosmopolitan Room’s Christmas tree.  Join the event’s fee free group and click on the gingerbread stockings decorating the tree.  Each stocking is filled with a lovely little gift.

Finish off today’s look with a visit to Euphoric.  At present, Euphoric’s group is free to join, and offers past group gifts.  The Hypnotic eyes featured above are a free gift for members of the SLF&O shopping group.  Did I mention SLF&O is free to join?

Until next time, shop happy!



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Happy Day!

AS - Nov2

HAIR |Hitogata.Zura2 – 5 colors w/resize copy/mod (free) 
| JEWELRY |Yoimachi Plaza.ASO!.KiraKira Drop Necklace – 3 colors w/resize copy/mod (free)  
| SKIN |7 Deadly Skins.Nadine – 1 tones w/brow option appliers (group luckyboard/free) 
| OUTFIT |Scandalize.Vilora Outfit – mesh 2 colors Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/Legacy (group gift/free)

I can barely contain myself!  It’s a free group join weekend at 7 Deadly Skins and Scandalize.  That’s a 275 Linden savings at 7 Deadly Skins (7DS), and an even 100L saved at Scandalize.

AS - Nov2 face

Today’s look includes a group luckyboard gift from 7DS, and a complete outfit-in-a-box group gift from Scandalize.  If you need more incentive to join consider this:  Both stores have many more gifts available for their members.

Furthermore, both stores give new gifts every month.  And, they each have lucky boards requiring group membership to play.  Did I mention that the gifts are high quality?

Need more encouragement to join?  Here are a few Scandalize outfits I’ve blogged that are still available on their group gift wall:

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| OUTFIT |Scandalize.Renee Spring Outfit – w/button & panty HUDs Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Scandalize.Graci Heels – solid & embroidered HUDs (each with 11 color choices) Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)

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| LINGERIE |Scandalize.FROU – Aqua Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Scandalize.Graci Heels – solid & embroidered HUDs (each with 11 color choices) Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)

ASU - Worth the Trouble cover

| BODYSUIT |Scandalize.Milena – 64 color HUD fatpack for mesh bodies (group gift/free)

Until next time, shop happy!


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Get Me to the Event on Time!

ASU - ebento4

HAIR |Olive Hair.Kelly Hair – blondes color HUD (luckyboard/free)
| EYES |eBento.GA.EG.Ultimate Mesh Eyes – HUD controlled w/Gift Pack GF13C (GG/free)
| SKIN |eBento.7 Deadly s[K]ins.Paradise Skin – Marshmallow tone Omega appliers with brow/browless options(GG/free)OUTFIT |Vanity.Scandalize.Kairi Outfit – top/skirt aqua/ombre Slink/Maitreya/Belleza (GG/free)
| SHOES |Mosquito's Way.Grace Heels – one color Slink/Maitreya/Belleza (GG/free)
| POSE |eBento.Move! Animations.Jana 58 – dance (GG/free)

Month’s end also signals the end of all the May Event rounds currently in full swing. If you haven’t visited Vanity yet, I strongly suggest you bump that teleport link to the top of your todo list.  Both of these outfits, plus the ultra high boots are the Vanity Event group gifts.  Vanity’s May round ends on the 25th, so you’ve got to be quick.
ASU - ebento2019bdaycover

HAIR |Olive Hair.Kelly Hair – blondes color HUD (luckyboard/free)
| EYES |eBento.GA.EG.Ultimate Mesh Eyes – HUD controlled w/Gift Pack GF13C (GG/free)
| SKIN |eBento.7 Deadly s[K]ins.Paradise Skin – Marshmallow tone Omega appliers with brow/browless options(GG/free)OUTFIT |Vanity.Scandalize.Paty Outfit – top/skirt pink/floral/ombre Slink/Maitreya/Belleza (GG/free)
| SHOES |Vanity.Scandalize.Madison Boots – fatpack Slink/Maitreya/Belleza (GG/free)
| POSE |eBento.Avenge.Gift pose – (GG/free)

Scandalize supplied all of these lovely Vanity gifts.  Thigh boot lovers are in for a real treat!  Not only are these boots unspeakable high, they also come with the fatpack color HUD.  Thanks Scandalize for a truly spectacular set of gifts!
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Finish off today’s look with a couple of fantastic gifts from eBento’s 2nd Anniversary round.  I’m a huge fan of 7 Deadly s[K]ins creations, and their Paradise skin gift doesn’t disappoint.  The Paradise skin is sweetly freckled, lightly rouged, and supports brow/browless options.
Next, visit GA.EG’s booth for their Ulitmate Eye gift.  This mesh eye system is absolutely wonderful.  I discovered GA.EG a year ago at eBento’s first anniversary celebration, and have been a fan ever since.  These eyes are highly configurable, and are uniquely animated. If you picked up last year’s Ultimate Eye gift, you’ll  still want to pick up this year’s gift, the included eye pack is new.
Since it’s eBento’s birthday,  there are tons of other fabulous gifts to discover.  This round is full of interesting items from talented designers.  Simply join the free event group, click the birthday cakes at each booth, and leave happy.
Until next time, shop happy!

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Worth It

ASU - Worth the Trouble cover
Meet Estephania, Altamura’s fantastic gift to the 1st Annual SL F&O huntEstephania is a lovely Bento avatar that includes face and hand AO’s, a full alpha system, and Slink compatible feet.  This lovely lady is well worth hunting for.  Thank you Altamura for your continued generosity!
Today’s complete look is 100% free.  The Milena jumpsuit fatpack is a group gift from Scandalize.  It’s sized for Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza bodies and includes a bellychain and furry arm warmers.  The color HUD is loaded with 42 solid, and 22 ombre colors.  The ombre shades are simply beautiful.  If you haven’t visited Scandalize you’re missing out!
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Here’s a closer look at Estephania’s gorgeous face.  Altamura does not include eyes with their gift bodies. This isn’t a problem when your system eyes pair seamlessly with their heads.
This stylish hairdo is a wearable demo from Lelutka.  It includes their full range of colors in 15 HUDs.  It’s simply a fantastic versatile style.
The featured jewelry set is a gift from Dellybeams at The Free Dove.  Thought the set comes in one color it is copy/mod which allows for manual changes in edit mode.
ASU - WorthIt shoe
These Chanelesque boots are also at The Free Dove.  The Nina boots are sized for Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza feet and come with a 12 color HUD.
Estephania’s Style Card:
EYES – Linden Labs Daisy eyes @ Your SL Inventory (0L)
…PATH: Inventory/Body Parts/Daisy Eyes
HAIR – Lelutka Sheena – fatpack wearable demo (0L)
& PHYSICS – Altamura Estephania – w/alpha HUD (SL F&O hunt gift 0L)
BODYSUIT – Scandalize Milena – fatpack for mesh bodies w/ 64 color HUD (group gift 0L/0L to join)
JEWELRY – Dellybeams Gem Gallery Iridescent Set  – copy/mod @ The Free Dove (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOES –  D&D Fashions Nina boots – mesh feet & 12 color HUD @ The Free Dove (group gift 0L/0L to join)

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ASU WitcheryCover
Happy almost Halloween!  This ensemble has been cobbled together from several sources, so we’re going to dive straight in.
This highly versatile skirt is part of Scandalize’s Halloween gift available on their group gift wall.  It’s sized for Freya, Isis, Maitreya, and Hourglass mesh bodies.
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Next stop is the Cosmopolitan Room for this fun witch hat and sumptuous top.  Simply join the event group and pickup these gifts on either side of the entrance.
ASU - Witcheryface
If you have not visited The Seasons Story (TSS) yet now is the time.  Last day for this event is October 31st.  This is The Seasons Story’s anniversary round, and 99% of the exhibitors have put out a free gift for event visitors.  Our model’s eyeshadow is part of Zibska’s gift for mesh and classic avatars at TSS.
Catwa and Lelutka head wearers can indulge their love of cosmetics with a new set of fall lipsticks from Amara Beauty.
ASU - Witcheryrings-nails
While at TSS you can find this charming manicure at the Mignon booth.  This is an applier for Maitreya nails only.  The lovely bento rings are another gift for Maitreya wearers that can be found at the Mug booth.
ASU - WitcherybootFF
Pop over to Sn@tch to pickup these fantastic boots.  The Lorna boots are this year’s Halloween giftThey are free for all visitors at the front desk.  These boots come with a fantastic HUD containing 8 Halloween/Gothic textures and 28 shades to apply to the laces and insert.  They are sized for Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, and Tonic bodies.  Since they are boots classic avatars can wear them too by simply borrowing an alpha from other boots in your inventory.
Near the boot gift is another freebie:  the Shopping Bag with lots of goodies including the modeled Spellcraft earrings.  To the right of the desk is an area that has several completely free items.  One of the gift bags contains the eyes our model is wearing.  The Shining Eyes gift contains 27 system eyes and a set of mesh eyes with a 27 color HUD.  Thanks Sn@tch for the outstanding gifts!
30 Days of Halloween 17/30 Style Card:
HAIR – EMO-tions Mono Hair – fatpack (group gift 0L/0L to join)
HAT – Cosmopolitan Group Gift Witch Hat – texture change menu @ The Cosmopolitan Room (group gift 0L/0L to join)
MAKEUP1 – Zibska Aysun eyeshadow – appliers & tattoo layers @ The Seasons Story (group gift 0L/0L to join)
MAKEUP2 – Amara Beauty Fall Lipsticks – appliers for Catwa & Lelutka @ The Seasons Story (group gift 0L/0L to join)
EYES – Sn@tch Shining eyes – 27 colors as system or mesh with color HUD (0L)
JEWELRY1 – Sn@tch Shopping Bag – Spellcraft earrings + other goodies (0L)
MANICURE – Mignon Halloween 2018 nails – applier for Maitreya @ The Seasons Story (group gift 0L/0L to join)
JEWELRY2 – Mug Camilla Rings – Bento rings for Maitreya @ The Seasons Story (group gift 0L/0L to join)
TOP – Tachinni Tina Set – for mesh bodies @ The Cosmopolitan Room (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SKIRT – Scandalize Halloween 2018 gift – mesh bodies (group gift 0L/0L to join)
BOOTS – Sn@tch Lorna boots – HUD w/8 fabrics and 28 shades for the laces and insert (0L)

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Time is Running Out!

ASU - Scandalizecover
News flash… today is the last day to join the Scandalize Group for free and pick up this fab workout attire! If that isn’t incentive enough for you consider this:  there is a wall full of group gifts.
ASU - Scandalize back
The Annie outfit comes boxed in 4 colorways that are hidden in plain sight around the store.
ASU - Scandalize shoeFin
Finish off the outfit with these fun high sneakers from Cremosas Store.
Iona’s Style Card:
OUTFIT – Scandalize Prize 1 of 4 – Annie  nude mesh  (hunt group gift 0L/0L to join through 02/19/2018)
SHOES – Cremosas Store Sneakers – 36 models  all avatars (group gift 0L/0L to join)

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