| HAIR |Dura.February Group Gift – coffee + 15 other colors w/resize option (GG/free) | JEWELRY |NOIR.Epic Glasses – unisex w/color HUD & resize (GG/free) | JEWELRY |RealEvil Industries.Bull Nose Piercing – mesh (GG for L'HOMME/free) | JEWELRY |MIDNA.Fel Necklaces A&B – w/color HUD & resize (GG for L'HOMME/free) | JEWELRY |NOIR.Chuck Bracelet – Unisex w/color HUD + hide options (GG for L'HOMME/free) | OUTFIT |Meva.Marcus Outfit – sized for Jake & Gianni (GG for L'HOMME/free) | SHOES |GABRIEL.Boat Shoes – red mesh w/resize (1 Linden)
It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year to the day since Altamura’s Tommy avatar made its allspiffy debut in Bad to the Bone. Our Tommy’s grown a little hair and gone a bit uptown since the last time we saw him, but he still cuts a fine figure. Which is precisely why I’ve chosen him to model for the second post featuring more of L’HOMME’s 5th Anniversary gifts
All of the designers featured in today’s look generously support L’HOMME’s reader group. So, if yesterday’s post didn’t inspire you to join, maybe today’s will.
I love the bold colors, and subtle accents in the Marcus Outfit from Meva. Though the outfit is sized for only two particular male mesh bodies, that does not mean other bodies with an alpha system can’t also enjoy it.
NOIR’s fantastic sunglasses are definitely a “gotta have yesterday” item. They’re unisex, cool, and come with an awesome HUD.
Guys looking for a new hairstyle simply need to pop over to Dura and join their fee free group. Several styles are available, plus an extra look for members of L’HOMME’s reader group.
Stay epic peeps!