Rare Fruit

AS - march 2020 alice

| HAIR |Wasabi.Autumn Hair – Autumn shade w/style & bands HUD (SLF&O/free)
| TATTOO |Carol G. (satellite store).Rapine Tattoo – tattoo layers + applier HUDs (group gift/free) 
| SUNGLASSES |Pure Poison.Spring Fever Sunglasses – resize + color HUD (group gift/free) 
| JEWELRY |Livia.Lovely Heart Earrings – with metal color HUD (group gift/free) 
| MANICURE |Mani Pedi.February 2020 gift – Signature Shomei with 7 color HUD (group gift/free) 
| HANDBAG |Micamee.Citrus Handbag – With Color HUD + pose (group gift/free) 
| TOP |Legendaire.Amarylis Set – Color/texture HUDs Maitreya/Belleza/Slink (group gift/free)
| SKIRT |Legendaire.Courtney Outfit – 8 color HUD Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Classic (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Legendaire.Aliz Boots – 10 color HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)
| POSE/PROP |Pose Fair 10th Anniversary runs through March 28th.K&S.Rare Fruit Gift – Black & Turquoise w/resize menu (group gift/free)

Is that a pink pineapple?  Why, yes it is!  I have to admit, I had absolutely no idea this seemingly mythical fruit even existed.  At least, not until I opened K&S’s Rare Fruit Pose Fair gift.  The colorful pineapple props peaked my interest immediately sending me on a fact finding mission.  Pink pineapples do exist.  And, though there may not be one in your local market, thanks to K&S you can now have your very own to pose with in Second Life.

Of course, K&S isn’t the only vendor giving gifts at the fair.   It happens to be Pose Fair’s 10th Anniversary, so the gifts are plentiful.  Simply join the free event group to collect all of the unique gifts.  You won’t be disappointed!


Today’s outfit features several items from stores that normally have group join fees.  However, for a limited time both Legendaire and Carol G (main store). have set their join fee to zero Lindens (free). Best of all, both stores also leave out past gifts.

The lovely sunset toned braids are Wasabi’s current SLF&O gift.  Finish off the look with a charming citrus handbag from Micamee, and whimsical sunglasses from Pure Poison.

And, that my friends will do it!  Until next time, shop happy.


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Never Ending Advents


HAIR |Analog Dog.Leela Hair – Dark Reds HUD (freeball/free) 
| MAKEUP |Livia.Just Reds – 6 color HUD appliers + system layers (GG/free)
| JEWELRY |Glitter.Magic Star necklace – with resize (Group Advent gift/free) 
| OUTFIT |Queenz.Amorous Bodysuit – blue Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/eBody/Katena/BBL/9s (Christmas tree gift/free) 
| SHOES |Queenz.Rebel heels – fatpack HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/eBody (Group Gift/free)

I love it when an advent calendar stays active through the season, allowing for past gift pickup.  So, put on your comfy shoes and grab a trolley, we’ve got serious collecting to do.

Let’s start at eBento.  Their advent calendar features a whopping 70 gifts, and is unlocked for group members.  Simply join eBento’s free group to start clicking your way into gift oblivion.  This round closes December 31st, so time is of the essence.

Fan’s of short and sassy dresses should head over to DM Design next.  Join their free group to collect 24 lovely little dresses from their open advent calendar.  If that isn’t enough for you, visit the group gift area to gather 8 more gifts.

Next, head over to Glitter to raid their unlocked advent calendar.  Glitter’s group is temporarily free to join, so why not indulge?


HAIR |Analog Dog.Leela Hair – Dark Reds HUD (freeball/free)
| MAKEUP |Livia.Just Reds – 6 color HUD appliers + system layers (GG/free)
| JEWELRY |eBento Advent Calendar.Ethereal. Trilogy Chest Piercing – Maitreya/Slink/Belleza/eBody/Tonic (Group Advent gift/free)
| TATTOO |eBento Advent Calendar.WitchCraft.Winter Friends – Maitreya/Belleza/Omega (Group Advent gift/free)
| DRESS |DM Design.Antonia dress – Maitreya/Slink/eBody/standard Large & Small (Group Advent gift/free)
| SHOES |Legendaire.Yuba boots – 10 color HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Group Gift/free)

Queenz‘ group members can still pickup several very nice gifts located under the Christmas tree.  The group is free to join, and features a generously stocked group gift wall.

Legendaire also has several Christmas gifts dotted around the store for its group members.  Normally, Legendaire’s group has a join fee, but the owners have temporarily set the fee to 0L.  Not only does the store give monthy group gifts, but it always maintains a generous group gift area.

The last store on today’s list is Analog Dog.  Today’s featured hairstyle can be found in their recently updated freeball.

Here’s to the holidays, and awesome free shopping!


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Wildly Pink

ASU - Feeling Pinkcover2_001
HAIR |Olive .Roz Bubble Goth – streak & “brainz” option HUDs (lucky board/free)
JEWELRY |All Spiffed Up .January Gift Set – earrings w/ resize menu (free)
DRESS |Beautiful Hustler .JAN 2019 GG – for Slink/Maitreya/Belleza (GG/free)
SHOES |Legendaire .Moonshine boots – for Slink/Maitreya/Belleza (SLF&O/free)
Who say’s wearing pink is all about kittens and unicorns?  Definitely not the designers at Beautiful Hustler!  This sexy number is their January 2019 group gift.  The dress comes in one color, and only fits mesh bodies (Maitreya/Slink/Belleza).
ASU - Feeling Pinkback
Beautiful Hustler’s group is free to join, and well worth the effort of rearranging your groups if necessary.  A cursory glance shows 3 gifts, however, one of the gifts includes all of the past 2018 group gifts, and another holds the former 2017 gifts.  It’s a big haul!
ASU - Feeling Pinkhairb
I popped over to Olive to check out their current freebies.  It doesn’t look like any new hairstyles have been added to their lucky board wall.  That said, Olive is still my favorite hair designer in SL.  Their free to play lucky board wall is packed with fast changing wonderful mesh hairstyles.  Plus, the daily midnight mania gives great fatpacks.
ASU - Feeling Pink ShoeFIN
These lovely strapped heels are Legendaire’s gift for SLF&O members.  They come with a 10 color HUD, and are sized for Maitreya, Slink, and Belleza bodies.  And that my friends concludes today’s outfit.  Happy shopping!

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FaMeshed! cover
Hurry, hurry, hurry over to FaMESHed’s 6th Anniversary round!  Why you ask?  Easy there are over 60 fantastic free gifts set out, only two days left to attend this celebratory round, and for those of you with Lindens to burn some absolutely fabulous original content to buy.
Unfortunately, with over 60 gifts there is no way we could blog them all at this late date and get you to the event before it ends.  Just know there is something for everyone:  clothing, decor items, hair, jewelry, and SHOES!
FaMeshed! dress
The Forge’s FaMESHed gift is this fabulous Jessica Ombre dress.  Thank you The Forge, we love it!
No, that’s not a speck of dirt on your screen, Iona is sporting a new mole thanks to the Session Skins’ gift at eBento.  This mole set offers the choice of one, three, or five moles in appliers for Lelutka and Catwa heads.
FaMeshed! face
Today’s hair if great gift from ClawtoothGlamazon is boxed as the complete collection and is free for all visitors to the store – no group join required.  That said, joining the group is free, and if done will net you three more hairstyles.  Not bad for a quick teleport.
FaMeshed! necklace
The Mantra necklace is Cae’s gift at FaMESHed.
FaMeshed! shoe
To finish off today’s post we have a great sandal/boot from LegendaireLegendaire recently revamped and consolidated their groups system which means past members need to get over and rejoin the new V.I.P. group.  To compensate shoppers for the inconvenience the group join fee has been set to 0L temporarily.  If you’re not a member, this is one group that is definitely worth joining.
Iona’s Style Card:
HAIR – Clawtooth Glamazon Snow – Complete Set Boxed (0L)
DRESS – The Forge Jessica Ombre mesh bodies only @ FaMESHed(group gift 0L/0L to join)
EYES – GA.EG Ultimate Eyes mesh w/detailed HUD  @ eBento Event (group gift 0L/0L to join)
MOLE – Session Skins Moles applier (Lelutka, Catwa) @ eBento Event (group gift 0L/0L to join)
NECKLACE – Cae Mantra Necklace Fearless @ FaMESHed(group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOES – Legendaire Ginger Sandalscolor HUD sized for Slink (group gift 0L/0L to join)
LAMP – DRD Paint Can Lamp @ FaMESHed(group gift 0L/0L to join)
LAMP – Refuge Spring Gala Table Light @ FaMESHed(group gift 0L/0L to join)
PROP – SynCo Cubify PhotoScene @ SL Marketplace (0L)

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Saying Goodbye

ASU - Saying Goodbyecover
Happy Sunday!  While rushing around trying to complete the Womenstuff Hunt, we stumbled across MH Unique Designs.  How we missed this store in the past is a complete mystery.  The owners of MH Unique Designs are extremely generous giving visitors over 35 group gifts (the group is free to join) plus 18 more opportunities to pick up gifts from their rapidly changing Lucky Boards.  In less than 4 minutes, today’s model Beth hit the Lucky Letter 6 times.  Incredible!
ASU - Saying Goodbyeback
You can find the Anary Dress Gift in one of the gift bags on the wall closet to the Lucky Boards.  The Anary Dress is size to fit:  Belleza (Frey, Isis, Venus), Slink (Hourglass, Physique), Maitreya, Tonic (Curvy, Fine), eBODY classic, TMP, & 5 standard Fitmesh sizes with the included alpha for classic avatars.
ASU - Saying Goodbyebracelet
It’s not to late to get your hunt on.  The Womenstuff Hunt is ongoing through the month of January.  *KATE* provided WH Hunt gift #16, the Boho Topanga Bracelet with HUD.
ASU - Saying Goodbyehair
NYNE has done it again with the Organza hairstyle. Organza has just the right amount of wave and highlights to make it work for both casual and elegant occasions.  Best of all it is free, free, free.
ASU - Saying Goodbyeshoe
The Sway shoes can be found in the gift section of Legendaire. Legendaire’s group gifts are always free, however the group usually has a modest join fee.  All is not lost for those low on Lindens because Legendaire often has fee free group join weekends.  RUSH OVER TO LEGENDAIRE TODAY TO JOIN THEIR GREAT GROUP FOR FREE!
Beth’s Style Card:
HAIR – NYNE Organza – Color HUD w/ streak option (group gift 0L/0L to join)

DRESS – MH Unique Designs Anary – classic & mesh (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOES – Legendaire Sway – mesh only (group gift 0L/0L to join TODAY)
BRACELET – *KATE* Boho Topanga – HUD w/ resize (Womenstuff Hunt/0L)
New Toulouse is a fun slightly creepy sim fashioned after the French Quarter in New Orleans.  It’s a perfect location to commune with the dead, and possible other predators of the night.
***NOT COMPLETELY FREE, but as close as it gets for only 1L****
ASU - Saying Goodbyeebody
Let’s talk about the eBODY SHOP!  eBODY makes 2 mesh bodies: the Classic, and the Curvy.  The eBODY controller HUD is extensive and very easy to use.  Both mesh bodies are competitively priced with the other name brand bodies.
eBODY stands apart from the others by selling excellent gift versions of both bodies for 1L.  That’s right 1L will get you a wonderful mesh body.  Does the gift version have all the bells and whistles that the full priced body has?  Of course not.  But what the gift version has is most definitely worth the Linden!
What you get for 1L from eBODY:

  • 12 Body Skintones
  • Alpha Thick (31 areas to hide)
  • Mesh hands (not bento)
  • Mesh feet (High, Mid, Flat)  (Slink compatible)
  • A neck fix
  • Several body shapes
  • eBODY physic 1

Taxi to eBODY:   eBODY SHOP

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Pop Culture

Pop Culture
Happy Weekend everyone!  It’s time to head on over to Legendaire.  Once again the creators at Legendaire have temporarily set their group join fee to 0L.  So if you have not joined yet, now is the time!
Legendaire has sent several members of  team All Spiffed Up into a freebie collecting frenzy.  Not only have they reduced the group join fee, but, and this is a biggie, they have put out loads of GRRRRRRREAT group gifts.
Pop Culture
Since we’ve been shopping at Legendaire there are always two free gifts at the main entrance.  The gift to the left is a free gift for the group SLF & O.  Which of course happens to be free to join.
On the right is the free with a capital “F” gift.  What do we mean? Simple it is a gift that anyone can take without having to join a group.  Iona actually popped by Legendaire to model those two freebies for today’s blog when she discovered it’s a free group join weekend with  tons of bonus group gifts.
Pop Culture
Iona’s glasses and earrings are wonderful gifts that can be found at Since 1975.  The wall of freebies combined with a 0L group join fee make Since 1975 a worthwhile stop.
Makeup, tattoos, bangles, and the necklace can all be found in the Second Life Marketplace. The bangles and necklace are copy/mod which allowed Iona to intensify and change the colors to suit her outfit.
Pop Culture
Iona’s Style Card:
HAIR – (red)Mint Hair No.37’15 – Yellow with Highlights Hud (group gift 0L/0L to join)
GLASSES – Since 1975  GlamBlind – Gold (group gift 0L/0L to join)
EARRINGS – Since 1975  September Gift – Kindred Earrings (group gift 0L/0L to join)
NECKLACE – Paddling Melody  PM Fruit – Limes SL Marketplace (0L)
BRACELETS – Paddling Melody PM Rasta Set – Copy/Mod SL Marketplace (0L)
DRESS – Legendaire Sophia Dress –  Color Change HUD (free for all, 0L)
SHOES – Legendaire Louisa Heels –  Color HUD sized for Slink (SLF&O gift 0L/0L to join)
LIPSTICK – *Ghetto Style* Lipstick– Bia Violet SL Marketplace (0L)
BEAUTY MARK – Chabada Beauty Mark–  SL Marketplace (0L)
TATTOO – Isuka Tattoos – Halloween Sleeve – Slink/Omega Appliers SL Marketplace (0L)
TATTOO – Reseena – Black Laced Leg Tatt – Classic&Omega Appliers SL Marketplace (0L)
TATTOO – Ripley Bay Tattoos BS Group Gift – Classic&Omega Appliers (group gift 0L/0L to join)

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