a l l s p i f f y Turns 5

allspiffy 5yr B-Day

| JEWELRY |LAZURI – Classic Pearls V2 Gift Set
| DRESS |THE FREE DOVE – SNOWPAWS: Courant Bow Gown in Amethyst

$$$$$ FOR SALE $$$$$
| HAIR |TRUTH – Joy  
| SKIN |7 DEADLY SKINS – Ster (tone: cotton candy)

Today is  a l l s p i f f y ‘ s  5th birthday!

It’s hard to believe I’ve been gallivanting around Second Life (SL) for over 10 years.  At this rate, I’m going to have to start lying about my age on the day I joined  SL.  I swear I was only eighteen when I opened my Second Life account.  (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

I thought it would be fun to do a kind of “Now and Then” nod to my very first post Star Light, Star Bright.  So, I’ve revisited one of my favorite freebie gateways.

Star Light, Star Bright

Though  a l l s p i f f y ‘ s  debut outfit is long gone from the shelves, I’m happy to announce The Free Dove is still going strong after all these years.  The store is packed with free quality must-have items.

It’s enough to make even the most discerning fashionista swoon!

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Let’s Give the Boy a RAWR!

AS - April 2020 stay at homecabal

| HAIR |Exile.Knox Hair – Stay-at-Home Club gift split color with 15 color HUD (free)
| BODY |Legacy/TMP Gift.The Recently Updated Original TMP Beta gift body – upgrades: bento hands/alpha system/BOM/new nail lengths/more feet (must pre-join group to teleport in/free) 
| OUTFIT |Ascend.Hideo Outfit – Stay-at-Home Club gift (fatpack)HUD Signature/Slink/Adam/TMP/Classic (free)
| SHOES |Emerald Couture Men.Colin Outfit – Stay-at-Home Club gift one color deck shoes mesh & classic (free)
| POSE |XTC.Sleight of Hand Set – Stay-at-Home Club gift 5 unique poses (free)

Heads up guys, it is time to update that moth nibbled wardrobe of yours!  A RAWR worthy new you is only a few teleports away.  Thanks to the folks at the Stay at Home Club, and a slew of generous creators today’s makeovers are easy to pull off.  Plus, the goodies are all free.

First, let’s talk about the Stay-at-Home Club.   Four fantastic Second Life Residents have created a website to help us all find a bit of joy during these trying times.  There is nothing to join.  Simply visit the website, click on the gifts tab, choose a category, then browse the gifts.  Click the pictures to obtain the gift links.  All of the Stay-at-Home gifts are free.  Giving yourself a makeover doesn’t get much easier than that!

AS - April 2020 stay at homecabal2b

| HAIR |Exile.Knox Hair – Stay-at-Home Club gift split color with 15 color HUD (free) 
| BODY |Legacy/TMP Gift.The Recently Updated Original TMP Beta gift body – upgrades: bento hands/alpha system/BOM/new nail lengths/more feet (must pre-join group to teleport in/free) 
| OUTFIT |Emerald Couture Men.Colin Outfit – Stay-at-Home Club gift one color outfit + shoes mesh & classic (free) 
| FACIAL HAIR |Alantori.Facial Hair Set – Stay-at-Home Club gift with 18 styles for BOM & Lelutka/Catwa/AK appliers (free)

Here is a closer look at the full Colin outfit from Emerald Couture.  As an added benefit, Emerald Couture’s store group is free to join and has several past gifts available.  One of the nicest things about the group gifts is that they usually include matching shoes.  I just love one box dressing.

AS - April 2020 stay at homecabal4b

| HAIR |Exile.Knox Hair – Stay-at-Home Club gift split color with 15 color HUD (free) 
| BODY |Legacy/TMP Gift.The Recently Updated Original TMP Beta gift body – upgrades: bento hands/alpha system/BOM/new nail lengths/more feet (must pre-join group to teleport in/free) 
| OUTFIT |Mishmash Fusion.Jack Suit – Stay-at-Home Club red on black Slink/Belleza/Classic (free)
| SHOES |Emerald Couture Men.David Suit – black shoes from outfit - mesh & classic (group gift/free)
| FACIAL HAIR |Alantori.Facial Hair Set – Stay-at-Home Club gift with 18 styles for BOM & Lelutka/Catwa/AK appliers (free)

Alantori’s Facial Hair Gift is fantastic for anyone looking for that subtle indescribable something that forces passersby to take a second look.

The last item on today’s hit parade is our model’s mesh body.  It’s gorgeous, almost free (costs 1 Linden), Bento rigged, BOM (out of the box), includes a detailed alpha system, and has more feet & fingernail options.  The “Original Classic Meshbody” (OCM) formally known as TMP’s Beta free body is back in the best possible way!  These lovely “Original Classic Meshbodies” are Meshbody’s gift to the grid.

To get the full story about the OCM body visit meshbody.com.  But, if you’d just like to pickup your own copy follow these steps:

  1.   Join “The Shops!” free group:  secondlife:///app/group/62324162-b5a6-3521-5c5e-f44fae20c4a2/about
  2.   Activate the group.  This must be done before teleporting in order to access the gift SIM.
  3.   Teleport to the gift SIM
  4.   Click on male or female to teleport to the gift kiosks.
  5.   Pay 1 Linden to the kiosk.
  6.   Wait to receive the body.
  7.   Teleport home to enjoy!

The menu system with these bodies requires a bit of patience in the beginning.  The interface is not always intuitive.  However, the time it takes to learn the HUD is well worth it.  Your avatar will look great.  The neck joins are virtually indiscernible when using BOM skins.

Until next time, shop happy & stay safe.


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Go Mesh Young Woman!

AS - 2020 Genus Strong>

| HAIR |Alantori.Lia Hair – Stay-at-Home Club gift fatpack HUD (free)
| HEAD & SKIN |Genus Project.Strong Bento Mesh Head – mesh head + animation/skin/controller HUDS & BOM Ready (group gift/free) 
| BOM |Second Life Marketplace.Genus Project.BOM Activator – enables Genus Project heads to use BOM (free)  
| JEWELRY |Secrets.Hope Necklace – Stay-at-Home Club gift resize + 4 metal & 9 gem color HUD controller (free) 
| DRESS |Seniha Originals.Melany Dress – color HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Beautiful Dirty Rich.Bora Bora Wedges – w/color HUD Slink/Maitreya/Belleza (group gift/free)

I love the look of mesh avatars.  Even the coolest of classic avatars can’t compete with the extreme level of detail created by all those extra vertices.  Let’s face it, that perfect heart-shaped derriere will never happen on a classic avatar.

Thanks to the introduction of Bakes On Mesh (BOM), generous creators, and a bunch of phenomenal gifts scattered across the grid, this is the perfect time to ditch the old trusty classic avatar for a newer, smoother, mesh model.  Best of all, it won’t cost you a single Linden.  No kidding!

In Stylishly Distanced I featured the upgraded eBody v.8.6 gift bodies.  Today, I’ve got the perfect, and boy do I mean PURRRRRRRRRRRFECT, mesh head to pair with it! Genus Project is giving group memebers a fully featured Bento rigged, Omega and BOM ready mesh head.

AS - 2020 Genus StrongF

Here’s a closeup of the Genus Head – Strong Face GIFT001.  This head is a beauty.  Genus has even included a 3 tone applier HUD with honey, toffee, and brownie skin appliers.  Plus, it comes with a wonderful animation HUD.  Getting this gift is super easy (& 100% FREE).   You can get it from anywhere on the grid by following these steps:

  1.  Join Genus Project’s group for free by pasting this link in local chat:   secondlife:///app/group/b153906f-38dd-0dd6-d327-345bef9f446e/about
  2. Go to the group notices tab and scroll down to the notice titled:  Support from the Genus Project team
  3. Click that notice to open it.
  4. Click on the Open Attachment button.
  5. That’s it, the gift is now in your inventory – unpack & enjoy!
  6. BOM must be activated to use.  Get the free activator from this marketplace link: Free Genus Product BOM Activator.
  7. OMEGA activation is NOT free.  It costs 149 L in the marketplace.  Here’s the link:  Omega System Kit – GENUS.

This stunning Bento head is the Genus Project’s effort to help us “rebuild, and survive self isolation…”  Thank you GENUS for the fantastic gesture!




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Stylishly Distanced

AS - Eva5

| HAIR |Sintiklia.Cora Hair – fitmesh with 2 color HUDs (free)
| SKIN |Second Life Marketplace.M&B.Juliet Skin – system skins + applier HUDs, includes NoBrows (free) 
| EYES |Euphoric.Fem Mesh Eyes – mesh + appliers with color HUD (group gift/free) 
| BODY & SHAPE |The Free Dove.eBody Shop.eBody free Curvy v8.6 – BOM Ready with Bento hands & Slink compatible feet + updated HUD (free)
| BOM |eBody Shop.BOM applier – enables eBody free bodies to use BOM (free)  
| OUTFIT |Mangula.Violet Set dresses/heels/sleeves/top/panty – fatpack with 20 color HUD Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Legacy/eBody Curvy (subscriber gift/free) 
| MAKEUP |Second Life Marketplace.Dee TaleZ Skins.Blush Remover – all skin colors, BOM tattoo layers + Genus Applier (free)
| MAKEUP |Second Life Marketplace.alaskametro<3.Lila eyebrows wearable DEMO – auburn tattoo layers + Omega Applier (free)

| HEAD |Genesis Lab.Eva Bento Head v.3.8.5 – Beautiful Bento head with BOM (group gift - join fee 99 Lindens/20 Lindens)

In these perilous times, now more than ever, we need diversions that lift our spirits without endangering our health and welfare.  Bombing around in Second Life is a great way to stay social and have fun, all while doing our bit to flatten the COVID-19 curve.  Who doesn’t love a good game of Greedy Greedy?

I know it’s hard to think happy thoughts at this moment in time.  However, a few laughs, a bit of fun, and a couple of hot new outfits can go a long way to improving our outlook.  Luckily for us, there are several creators around the grid actively trying to give Second Life residents a reason to smile.

All of the tops and bottoms featured today are free gifts from Mangula.  The first two pictures show variations of Mangula’s current subscriber gift (subscribing is free).  Here’s an excerpt from the message accompanying this gift:

“This is an important moment in which we no longer enter SL just for pleasure but also to clear our minds of everything that is happening in the world and that in one way or another affects us, that’s why I thought about making this new Set as a #FreeGift in support of all of you…” – Mangula

This fantastic gift includes both the dresses pictured, the heels, optional sleeves, plus a shirt length model, and a great 20 color texture HUD that separately controls the main fabric and accents.  Thank you Mangula for your caring and generosity!

AS - Eva6
*style information same as above*

I’m going to depart from my normal mention of only free items to briefly discuss Genesis Lab.  I first discovered this talented creator years ago at Tres Chic.  Gensis Lab gifted visitors of the bygone round with a gorgeous albino mesh head.  I was so smitten with the gift, I immediately teleported to the store and joined their group.  And, before you ask, the group is not free to join.  But, the join fee is an extremely modest 99 Lindens considering the store’s group gift wall.

In support of their group members, Genesis Lab has slashed the price of today’s featured mesh head.  Here’s a look at the message sent out to the group:

“A lot of people have to be limited with personal contacts, stay and work at home because of the Covid-19. This difficult time it is very important to be be vigilant and keep calm. As a gesture of our kind support and care we would like to make a present – head Eva 3.8 BOM with 99% discount ♥️” – Genesis Lab

That’s 20 Lindens for group members.  If you are not a member, you’ll need to join the group for 99 Lindens, which would mean a total layout of 119 Lindens for this fantastic Bento rigged head. Folks that’s as close to free as something of this quality gets.  Eva is beautiful and worth every penny.

Thanks Genesis Lab for caring and sharing!

AS - Eva1

| OUTFIT |Mangula.Ada Set – skirt & top Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Legacy/eBody Curvy (lucky board/free)
| OUTFIT |Mangula.Tina Sandals – fatpack color HUD Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Legacy/eBody Curvy (subscriber gift/free)

Now back to the freebies.

Mangula has 20 lucky boards!  They are free for all to play, and change rapidly.  Best of all, their creations also fit eBody’s Curvy mesh.

AS - Eva2b<

| OUTFIT |Mangula.Nela Set – skirt & top Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Legacy/eBody Curvy (lucky board/free)
| OUTFIT |Mangula.Jana Boots – fatpack color HUD Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Legacy/eBody Curvy (subscriber gift/free)

It only took me 15 minutes to win oodles of outfits.

AS - Eva3b

| OUTFIT |Mangula.Yeni Set – skirt/shorts/top Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Legacy/eBody Curvy (lucky board/free)
| OUTFIT |Queenz.Breeze Sandals – fatpack color HUD Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/eBody Curvy (group gift/free)

These highly configurable sandals are a group gift from Queenz.  The group is free to join, and packed with wonderful gifts that also include mesh models sized for eBody Curvy.

Let’s take a moment to talk about the eBody Shop!  Recently, this designer released a major update to their beautiful, but extremely limited, gift bodies.  They now include Bento rigged hands, are BOM ready, and are completely free at certain locations.  The BOM feature won’t work strait out of the box.  You’ll need to pop over to eBody to pick up the free BOM applier.  Trust me peeps, it’s worth the teleport.  This upgrade has moved eBody’s gifts to the top of my best free mesh body list!

AS - Evaface

| HAIR |Sintiklia.Cora Hair – fitmesh with 2 color HUDs (free) 
| SKIN |Second Life Marketplace.M&B.Juliet Skin – system skins + applier HUDs, includes NoBrows (free) 
| EYES |Euphoric.Fem Mesh Eyes – mesh + appliers with color HUD (group gift/free) 
| MAKEUP |Second Life Marketplace.Dee TaleZ Skins.Blush Remover – all skin colors, BOM tattoo layers + Genus Applier (free) 
| MAKEUP |Second Life Marketplace.alaskametro<3.Lila eyebrows wearable DEMO – auburn tattoo layers + Omega Applier (free)

Here’s a closer look at the Eva v. 3.8.5 BOM enable head.  If you decide to add this beauty to your mesh head arsenal, do keep in mind that it does not include a BOM skin.  Which of course is why I’ve included the link to this lovely BOM compatible marketplace freebie.  I love that M&B included browless and cleavage options! The Juliet Skin works seamlessly on this head and body combination.

Stay safe everyone.

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Rare Fruit

AS - march 2020 alice

| HAIR |Wasabi.Autumn Hair – Autumn shade w/style & bands HUD (SLF&O/free)
| TATTOO |Carol G. (satellite store).Rapine Tattoo – tattoo layers + applier HUDs (group gift/free) 
| SUNGLASSES |Pure Poison.Spring Fever Sunglasses – resize + color HUD (group gift/free) 
| JEWELRY |Livia.Lovely Heart Earrings – with metal color HUD (group gift/free) 
| MANICURE |Mani Pedi.February 2020 gift – Signature Shomei with 7 color HUD (group gift/free) 
| HANDBAG |Micamee.Citrus Handbag – With Color HUD + pose (group gift/free) 
| TOP |Legendaire.Amarylis Set – Color/texture HUDs Maitreya/Belleza/Slink (group gift/free)
| SKIRT |Legendaire.Courtney Outfit – 8 color HUD Maitreya/Belleza/Slink/Classic (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Legendaire.Aliz Boots – 10 color HUD Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (group gift/free)
| POSE/PROP |Pose Fair 10th Anniversary runs through March 28th.K&S.Rare Fruit Gift – Black & Turquoise w/resize menu (group gift/free)

Is that a pink pineapple?  Why, yes it is!  I have to admit, I had absolutely no idea this seemingly mythical fruit even existed.  At least, not until I opened K&S’s Rare Fruit Pose Fair gift.  The colorful pineapple props peaked my interest immediately sending me on a fact finding mission.  Pink pineapples do exist.  And, though there may not be one in your local market, thanks to K&S you can now have your very own to pose with in Second Life.

Of course, K&S isn’t the only vendor giving gifts at the fair.   It happens to be Pose Fair’s 10th Anniversary, so the gifts are plentiful.  Simply join the free event group to collect all of the unique gifts.  You won’t be disappointed!


Today’s outfit features several items from stores that normally have group join fees.  However, for a limited time both Legendaire and Carol G (main store). have set their join fee to zero Lindens (free). Best of all, both stores also leave out past gifts.

The lovely sunset toned braids are Wasabi’s current SLF&O gift.  Finish off the look with a charming citrus handbag from Micamee, and whimsical sunglasses from Pure Poison.

And, that my friends will do it!  Until next time, shop happy.


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So Many Gifts in Such a Little Box!


| HAIR |Olive Hair.White Rabbit Hair – Blondes HUD w/streaks options (lucky board/free)
| JEWELRY |Imaginarium.Tardfish.Icey Heart Collar & Cuffs Set – Black & Turquoise w/resize menu (group gift/free) 
| MANICURE |Mani Pedi.February 2020 gift – Signature Shomei with 7 color HUD (group gift/free) 
| TOP |Beautiful Dirty Rich.Just a Rebel Shirt (10 Years 10 Gifts)  – Texture/color change/materials HUD Maitreya/Belleza/Tonic/eBody/Slink/TMP/Classic (group gift/free)
| SHORTS |Beautiful Dirty Rich.Focus Shorts (10 Years 10 Gifts) – HUD w/color Maitreya/Belleza/Tonic/eBody/Slink/TMP/Classic (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Imaginarium.Art&KO.Turquoise Shoes – sized for Maitreya (group gift/free)

It’s hard to believe I’ve made it all the way to March without a visit to one of my favorite stores.  Beautiful Dirty Rich, or B.D.R. for short, is definitely one of those stores that is always worth a visit.  In their 10 plus years of business they have generously maintained a free-to-join group, and a fantastic group gift area.

Almost all of the looks featured today support mesh and classic avatars.  Plus, the garments include feature rich HUDs supporting materials, show/hide options, and color pickers.


| HAIR |Olive Hair.White Rabbit Hair – Blondes HUD w/streaks options (lucky board/free)
| JEWELRY |Imaginarium.Tardfish.Icey Heart Collar & Cuffs Set – Black & Turquoise w/resize menu (group gift/free)
| MANICURE |Mani Pedi.February 2020 gift – Signature Shomei with 7 color HUD (group gift/free) 
| OUTFIT |Beautiful Dirty Rich.Sunny Afternoon Outfit (10 Years 10 Gifts) – shorts & top as separates with/ Texture/color change/materials HUD Mesh/Classic (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Imaginarium.Art&KO.Turquoise Shoes – sized for Maitreya (group gift/free)

All of today’s garments are from B.D.R.’s 10 Year Anniversary gift box.  The box contains 10 different gifts, each featuring a detailed HUD.  These gifts can be mixed and matched to create a ton of different looks.


| HAIR |Olive Hair.White Rabbit Hair – Blondes HUD w/streaks options (lucky board/free)
| JEWELRY |Imaginarium.Tardfish.Icey Heart Collar & Cuffs Set – Black & Turquoise w/resize menu (group gift/free)
| MANICURE |Mani Pedi.February 2020 gift – Signature Shomei with 7 color HUD (group gift/free) 
| DRESS |Beautiful Dirty Rich.Sweet Whatever Dress (10 Years 10 Gifts) – includes a detailed HUD for Mesh/Classic (group gift/free)
| SHOES |Imaginarium.Art&KO.Turquoise Shoes – sized for Maitreya (group gift/free)

This lovely manicure is Mani Pedi’s current group gift.  The applier HUD features 7 gorgeous shades.  Mani Pedi’s group is free to join and offers several past gifts.  This store’s landmark is a definite “must have.”


| HAIR |Olive Hair.White Rabbit Hair – Blondes HUD w/streaks options (lucky board/free)
| JEWELRY |Imaginarium.Tardfish.Icey Heart Collar & Cuffs Set – Black & Turquoise w/resize menu (group gift/free)
| MANICURE |Mani Pedi.February 2020 gift – Signature Shomei with 7 color HUD (group gift/free) 
| BELT |Beautiful Dirty Rich.Brisa Dress (10 Years 10 Gifts) – HUD with show/hide Mesh/Classic (group gift/free)
| SWIMSUIT |Beautiful Dirty Rich.Hello Sunshine Swimsuit (10 Years 10 Gifts) – includes a detailed HUD with alpha blending options for Mesh/Classic (group gift/free) 
| SHOES |Imaginarium.Art&KO.Turquoise Shoes – sized for Maitreya (group gift/free)

Today’s accessories and shoes are gifts from Imaginarium.  Simply join the free event group to help yourself to several creator gifts.

(back view of B.D.R.’s Hello Sunshine Swimsuit. This beauty has super high cut legs and a thong back. SMEXY!)

Last, but certainly not least is Olive’s spectacular White Rabbit hair.  This style is one of 15 lucky board gifts.  It comes with the blondes HUD, and has a streaks option.  Best of all, Olive’s lucky boards are free for all guests to play.

That’s a wrap folks.  Enjoy!

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Last Day to Shop and Hop!


Today, February 23rd, is the last day the 2020 Valentine’s Shop & Hop is open.  As with all Shop & Hop’s, each store sets out a completely free event gift.  Some stores even give more than one gift.

The event spans four sims.  Each sim hosts approximately twenty shops.  That’s over 80 gifts waiting to be collected.  Have fun everyone!

AS - Shop & Hop Val face


(all bold print store titles represent the location of a gift worn by today’s model)

Aurelian Sim

YSSY ***Love Eyes Omega Applier gift***
Cae  ***XOXO Jewelry Set***
Foxcity ***Hello Gorgeous backdrop gift***
Petit Chat
Casa de Bebe
Ala Folie
Never Totally Dead
Miss Chelsea

Gilded Sim

ElikaTira ***Oaklee hair fatpack***
Paper Moon
Bella Moda
Wren’s Nest
Sahi Designs
A&D clothing
Silvan Moon

Gleaming Sim

Gabrielle Hamelia
Flying Arts
Pixel Box
Juna Artistic Tattoo
Caverna Obscura
Schaden Freude
Zuri Jewelry
Swear Lapointe Bastchild
Psycho byts
ABC Creations

Tinseled Sim

Vanity Hair
Fashiowl Poses
What Next
Sonia Edge  ***Cannes Dress & fur with great detail HUD***
Trompe Loeil
Koffin Nails ***polish fatpack***
Candy Kitten
Hayabusa Design
Valentina E

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Voodoo in the Vibes

AS - 2ndman4

| HAIR |Shop & Hop Gilded.Alantori.Daniel Hair – 146 color HUD fatpack (free)
| JEWELRY |GABRIEL.G Chain Necklace – Belleza/Signature/resize (group gift/free) 
| JACKET |GABRIEL.Asymmetric Jacket – maroon Signature/Slink/TMP (L'Homme/free)
| HARNESS |GABRIEL.Lace Up Harness & briefs – navy Signature/Belleza/Aesthetic (L'Homme/free)
| SHOES |GABRIEL.Leather Sneakers – camo Signature/Belleza/resize (group gift/free)

Males looking to dial up their wow factor should put a trip to Gabriel on the top of their shopping list.  Gabriel currently has several gifts for L’Homme magazine subscribers, a bunch of store gifts, and past NEO Japan gifts available near the store entrance.  All of the gifts are free.  The range of gifts is diverse enough that creating your own uniquely captivating style won’t take long!

AS - 2ndman1

| HAIR |Shop & Hop Gilded.Alantori.Daniel Hair – 146 color HUD fatpack (free)
| JEWELRY |GABRIEL.G Chain Necklace – Belleza/Signature/resize (group gift/free) 
| JACKET |GABRIEL.Loose Jersey – with "in tank" Signature/Belleza (NEO gift/free)
| SLACKS & SHOES |Shop & Hop Gilded.ZED.Lover's Day Outfit – sized for mesh & classic bodies (free)

To create this look, I paired slacks and loafers from Zed’s Valentine’s Day Shop & Hop gift with a former NEO Japan gift.

AS - 2ndman3.png

| HAIR |Shop & Hop Gilded.Alantori.Daniel Hair – 146 color HUD fatpack (free)
| JEWELRY |GABRIEL.G Chain Necklace – Belleza/Signature/resize (group gift/free) 
| JACKET & TANK|GABRIEL.Loose down jacket – navy with white/black tank Signature/Belleza (L'Homme/free)
| SHOES |GABRIEL.Geta Unisex boots – sized for mesh & classic bodies (NEO gift/free)

These Getta boots are awesome!  If you missed their debut at NEO Japan, now is the time to pick them up.  The resizable model included in the gift makes them the perfect unisex boot.


| HAIR |Shop & Hop Gilded.Alantori.Daniel Hair – 146 color HUD fatpack (free)
| JEWELRY |GABRIEL.G Chain Necklace – Belleza/Signature/resize (group gift/free) 
| TOP |GABRIEL.Loose Shirt – pink Signature/Belleza (L'Homme/free)
| SLACKS |.Shop & Hop Gilded.ZED.Lover's Day Outfit – sized for mesh & classic bodies (free)
| SHOES |GABRIEL.Geta – black/white resizable (NEO gift/free)

Today’s featured hair is another gift from Shop & Hop.  The Daniel hair fatpack is Alantori’s event gift.  Shop & Hop runs through February 23rd, so there is still plenty of time to add this style to your inventory.  Until next time, shop happy!

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

AS - Val1SunaF

| HAIR |Suna Design.Maria Hair – pastel pack + Lola friendly mesh model (Group Gift/free) 
| DRESS |Suna Design.Adele Gown – rose Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (giftcard/free)
| SHOES |Blossom.Dorothy Sparkle Pumps –  Maitreya/Slink/Belleza (Group Gift/free)

Is it just me, or is 2020 becoming the most freebieliscious year ever?  There are simply not enough hours in the day to gather, let’s not even mention blog, all of the awesome goodies flooding the grid this year.

Luckily for us, my honey and I agreed to have a quiet low key Valentine’s Day at home.  Which means I have plenty of time to share all the goodies I’ve been collecting this week.

The outfit featured today is from Suna Design.  Suna’s Valentine’s Day gift is an awesome 500 Linden gift card for its group members.  Joining is free, so everyone can enjoy!  Best of all, the gift amount will get you several items or one fatpack. Thanks Suna for the generous gift.

AS - Feb Valb

Here’s a back view.  The texture on this dress is exceptionally nice.  I also like the detailing of the halter ties and shoulder straps.  Gifts in Suna Design are dotted around the store.  Be sure to pop into the gift room that houses lots of gifts for various shopping groups.  That’s where you’ll find today’s pastel hairstyle pack.

If you’re like me, spending a gift card takes about as long as a sneeze.  So, to keep you busy I’ve compiled a short list of a few nice stores with fantastic Valentine’s Day gifts. Have a great day everyone, and shop happy!

The Goody List

  1. Suna Design – 500 Linden gift card
  2. Queenz – Free Hunt: 2 (easy to find) teddy bears packed with lots of gifts
  3. The Free Dove – Special Valentine’s Day gift table
  4. Shop & Hop – 4 packed sims with each store giving a completely free gift!
  5. 7 Deadly Skins – Free Hunt:  Hunt objects are difficult to find, but well worth the effort!
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Guys Lookin’ Sharp

AS Feb2020 1stMan

| OUTFIT |Amazing Creations.Suit 18 – jacket,shirt,tie,slacks,shoes HUD controlled for Belleza/Signature/Slink/Ocacin/Adin/Mado/Edus/Onupup/5 standard sizes/fitmesh (group gift/free)

I have to admit I’m a sucker for a fine looking avatar.  Dressing the females for free is a snap.  Finding free furry and fantasy avatars isn’t all that hard either.  But, dressing a male avatar for free, now that is a challenge.  Which is why my a l l s p i f f y.com’s New Year’s resolution for 2020 is to feature a new male themed post once a week.

Luckily for us, Amazing Creations made this week’s task a snap.  This wonderfully textured suit is the current group gift in the men’s section of the store.  It’s a complete outfit in-a-box, which means the shoes are also included.  Plus, the outfit includes a color picker HUD, and comes sized for both mesh and classic avatars.  Did I mention there is no group join fee at Amazing Creations?

AS Feb2020 detail

Here’s a closeup of the jacket, shirt, and tie.  Notice the detailing on the jacket pockets.  One of the nice things about the included HUD is that it controls each section separately.  Since the suit is boxed with a basic white shirt and tie, using the color wheel HUD allows for unlimited combinations, making this an extremely versatile garment.  Thanks Amazing Creations for a great gift!

Happy shopping guys.

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