… again!

ASU - againcover
It feels like Groundhog Day here at All Spiffed Up!  Once again we’ve put together an outfit from COCO DESIGN’s group gift area.  We topped today’s ensemble off with a wonderful free hair from NYNE.
Both COCO DESIGN and NYNE have a generous selection of terrific gifts that are absolutely freeFree group gifts, free group join fees, creative designers, be careful fellow fashionistas you just might swoon!
ASU - againback
Today Iona is modeling COCO’s turtleneck sweater, skinny jeans, and ivory open-toe mules.
ASU - againhairfront
This fun asymmetrical bob with knit cap is NYNE’s Parada #126.
ASU - againhairside
This mesh hair comes rigged and unrigged with a color change HUD that includes streak options.
ASU - againhairback
Best of all, Parada #126 is one of MANY group gifts at NYNE.
Iona’s Style Card:
HAIR – NYNE Parada 126 – rigged & unrigged +HUD (group gift 0L/0L to join)
TOP – COCO DESIGNS turtleneck sweater– classic & mesh (group gift 0L/0L to join)

PANTS – COCO DESIGNS skinny jeans – classic & mesh (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOES – COCO DESIGNS open toe mules – Slink & Maitreya (group gift 0L/0L to join)
WintersVeil is a picturesque winter sim perfect for picture taking.  If you find yourself longing for snow this is an excellent sim to visit.  The stark beauty of the landscape is bound to send you to the kitchen in search of a warming cup of hot chocolate.

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It’s Five O’clock Somewhere

…is that a pineapple margarita?

Could be, but then again it could be a painkiller, a calypso sun, a screwdriver, maybe even a lemon sour. Oh so many delicious concoctions, so little time.

Bar hopping in Second Life(SL) has its perks. Sit your avatar at a bar and most likely you’ll be given your choice of FREE delectable beverages to imbibe. Of course, you’ll have to accept the items first, then pop into your inventory, locate the drinks, select one and then add it to your attire. Yes, drinking is a process, but once mastered your avatar will never be parched again!

…and don’t forget the added bonus: once those drinks have been accepted they are yours to keep and/or share FREE & CLEAR.

Now that our thirst has been quenched, let’s discuss today’s freebies.

Pictured above we have a wonderful group gift from M&M.  It’s a mesh peek-a-boo spiked variation of the little black dress.  The dress comes in standard mesh sizes.  If you wear a mesh body you will most likely have to alter your shape a bit to wear the dress properly.  All of the cut work makes using mesh body alphas impossible.

This was my first visit to M&M.  I was impressed by the store’s generosity.  Not only is their group free to join, but they have a wall filled with past group gifts that are also free.  I’ll definitely include several of these items in future posts, so stay tuned.


Normally at this point I’d simply present a style card. Some gifts simply demand more than a simple one line blurb. Today’s hair is one such gift!

On a recent visit to enVogue I easily spotted 3 free gifts. There are 2 versions of the Elissa Hair. The subscriber gift is Elissa Ombre pictured above & below. enVogue’s group gift is Elissa Diversity (not blogged).

Each version comes with 4 choices: fitted, fitted (materials), rigged, rigged (materials). The included hud offers a total of 32 color variations.  Though some of the colors may look similar, each option is subtly different.  This is an exquisite gift that truly showcases the artistry of enVogue’s designers.  It is also the kind of gift that turns a freebie grabber into a paying customer.  Awesome job enVogue!


Completing today’s ensemble is a pair of beautifully detailed heels from Pure Poison. I can easily see these becoming a new favorite.

Iona’s Style Card:
HAIR – enVogue Elissa Rigged (materials) – Color Hud (subscriber gift 0L)
DRESS – M&M Neska Dress – Color Hud (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOES – PurePoison Lavinia Sandals – Nude (group gotcha 0L/0L to join)
HANDSOME COMPANION – MrMikeyUk – SL Singer & Builder (priceless)

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I'm So Scared

I'm So Scared
I love Halloween in Second Life!  So many spooky sims, so many cool Hunts, so many awesome prizes, it makes me dizzy just thinking about it.  Imagine Scrat from Ice Age morphed into a freebie obsessed avatar, that is the kind of frenzied mindset this ghoulish bounty creates.
Hunts, oh how I love to hate them.  Who doesn’t love finding a hidden object? The operative word here is FINDING.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a “gotta have it or I’m gonna die” hunt item blogged, and found myself at the sim utterly frustrated finding every hidden object except the one I went there for. Such is the nature of hunting.
Have no fear dear readers both hunt items in this post are quite easy to find.  You’ll leave the hunting grounds lighthearted sporting a ghoulish grin.  So let’s take a closer look at what Iona is wearing.
The Skyler Hoodie from Ollies Follies along with lots of other goodies can be found at the Timeless Textures Halloween Event. This event is definitely worth a flyby.
The Half’N’Half sweats can be found at the Etchaflesh Halloween Hunt. This is a storewide hunt using a fill card format. Simply pick up & wear the free hunt hud. Find the 12 hunt objects to fill the hud. Then toddle over to the prize kiosk in front of Etchaflesh and select your prize. You can go back once a day to repeat and redeem through October 31st.
Let’s not forget a closeup on Iona’s face.  She is wearing a sexy little beauty marked skin that shouldn’t be missed.
Iona’s Style Card:
SKIN – !SOUL Milky Skin + Optional Apppliers – group gift (0L/0L to join)
SHIRT – Ollies Follies Skyler Hoodie – Halloween @ Timeless Textures (0L)
PANTS – Etchaflesh Halloween Hunt Half N Half Sweats – color hud + bow options (0L)
SHOES – Vlad Blackburns Pony Tread Heels – black + hue (0.302, 0.784,0.996)
@ SL Marketplace (0L)
Haunted Hallows Garden of Whimsy Expansion

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Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch

…with their Chihuahuas!
Girls Just Wanna Have Lunch
Hello Everyone and welcome to the third installment of All Spiffed Up.  It has taken a bit longer to prepare this post than I expected.  As always I like to challenge myself to create scenes filled with only free items.  I ran headlong into trouble when I fixated on a restaurant theme.  It was the food that caused all my troubles!  Finding free food, not 1L food, is not the easiest task.  In the end I settled on low cost full perm food items.
Once I moved past the food snafu, the rest of the scene fell into place. This scene is packed with freebies.  So let’s get to it!
Meet Cindy the ringleader of Club Chihuahua.  Cindy is free from head to toe literally.
Cindy Full Body
Her skin and camisole top are group gifts from AlterEgo & Enertia. At the time of this post AlterEgo’s group was free to join.
The Aaisling Sunkissed skin is an exceptionally nice feature rich gift. Included in the package are: head appliers for Loudmouth, Omegahead, & Tmp; 3 Sunkissed skin options; a skin applier hud that covers almost all of the major mesh bodies and can apply the skin to Slink, Belleza, & Maitreya feet; physics; 5 eyebrow shapers; 2 shapes; an eyelash remover.
As with the skin, the Nikki Cami also comes sized to fit Freya, Hourglass, Maitreya, Physique, Venus, and Isis mesh bodies.  There are 6 color options available in a no-nonsense hud.  All in all, these are two wonderful gifts. Thank you AlterEgo & Enertia!
Before I move on to the style cards, I’d be remiss if I forgot to introduce our impromptu model Gabby.
Gabby Full Body
You know how Second Life is, VERY social. I always find working in Second Life to be something akin to making the bed when my cat is in the room. It’s a wacky romp filled with distractions! Partway through the photo shoot Gabby decided the sidelines were not for her, she wanted in on the fun. I took one look at her, shook my head, and uttered: “If you want in, you need to wear at least 3 free items, you’ve got 5 minutes!” Surprisingly, Gabby pulled it off in 4.  Cheers to the lady with the fastest clicking fingers in town.
The first thing Gabby did was change her hair to a free one found in the inventory library. For those of us who joined Second Life before the introduction of mesh hair, clothing, bodies, etc… when we think library we think JUNK-forget about it!  This cute flip suggests it’s time to change our ways. The Library is definitely worth a peruse in your spare time. Thanks for the tip Gabby.
Gabby Face
Gabby’s Style Card:
HAIR – Linden Labs Middle Part Bob – Blonde @ Your SL Inventory (0L)
…PATH: Inventory/Library/Accessories/Hair Design Options (Colors & Styles)/Middle Part Bob (blonde)
EYES – Poetic Colors Pearl Eyes – Clear Pond – large medium Past Gift (0L to join group)
DRESS – °E.A° glamour°  Dress – Bow Mesh @ SL Marketplace (0L)
BRACELET – Do Lubitsch Watch Eternity – color change @ SL Marketplace (0L)
HANDBAG – Tuty’s Free Mesh Pet Carrier – Color Changing Hud @ SL Marketplace (0L)
Cindy Face
Cindy’s Style Card:
HAIR – FABIA Rima – Natural Color Hud (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SKIN – AlterEgo & Enertia Aaisling – Sunkissed A (group gift 0L/0L to join)
MAKEUP – [XCW] 2nd Gift– Eyeshadow Pink, Orange @ SL Marketplace (0L)
MAKEUP – Langly Promo Gift Eyeliner – Eyeliner #2 @ SL Marketplace (0L)
SHAPE – Glam and Free by Sybil Shape – Rhianne Shape @ SL Marketplace (0L)
EYES – Avi-Glam Destiny Eyes – Grey – medium @ SL Marketplace (0L)
EYELASHES – Chemistry Eyelashes – long @ SL Marketplace (0L)
TATTOO – ISUKA *GIFT* – Illuminati @ SL Marketplace (0L)
JEWELRY – Hudson’s Past Group Gift (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHIRT – AlterEgo & Enertia Nikki Cami – Color Hud (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SKIRT – :::Valeur Store::: Mesh Mini Jeans – large @ SL Marketplace (0L) SHOES – Mirus free gift – Midnight Heels (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOES – Mirus Midnight Heels – for mesh feet (group gift 0L/0L to join)
TABLE – ~The Dreamer Creations~ Retro Camping Table – color menu @ SL Marketplace (0L)
3 Land Impact
CHAIRS – Galmot  Ancient Chair – style Louis XVI @ SL Marketplace (0L)
8 Land Impact Each
LAMP – VSPACE PROJECT by Van Loopen Lamp Halo multi @ SL Marketplace (0L)
13 Land Impact
PLANT  STAND – Ya’s Dream Creations Potted Daffodil+ForgetMeNot @ SL Marketplace (0L)
3 Land Impact per plant, 1 Land Impact Ladder
PLANT – Mesh Plants Potted Leafy Plants – Full Perms @ SL Marketplace (0L)
1 Land Impact
PLANT – Mesh Plants Small Bush Bonus Pot – Full Perms @ SL Marketplace (0L)
3 Land Impact
PLANT – Dreamland Designs White Primrose Flower Pot @ SL Marketplace (0L)
4 Land Impact
PLANT – Jade’s Home&Garden Water Can with pink plant @ SL Marketplace (0L)
3 Land Impact
MMC Gift for ASU
…and for the final listing I present a special FREE gift from All Spiffed Up & Mr M’s Creations to all of my blog readers.
Mr M’s Creations graciously donated the The Artist Easel used in this photo shoot.  It is a wonderful 100% mesh,  1 Land Impact,  Copy/Mod sign.  After a bit of banter back and forth we agreed that it would be great to offer an exclusive All Spiffed Up gift to my readers. I had assembled  a series of cute Chihuahua images that never made it into this post. The light bulb went on and presto, a fun freebie was born.
The All Spiffed Up Version of the Easel includes the original Copy/Mod Artist Easel, and the 4 static Chihuahua easels pictured above plus a 5th animated easel not shown.  So, gather your Chihuahua loving buddies and head to Mr. M’s Creations to get your gift!
BLOG GIFT – Mr M’s Creations for All Spiffed Up – Artist Easel + exclusive Chihuahuas
(group gift 0L/0L to join)

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"Lucy in the Sky"

Lucy in the Sky
It’s official, the first weekend of Fall arrived. ‘Tis the season of pumpkin spice lattes, fall color, and gourds galore.  I had envisioned a blustery scene featuring an auburn haired avi clad in a boyfriend sweater walking her faithful greyhound in Central Park.
…and then I opened the Ricielli Cosmopolitan Room Birthday Gift!  Whoosh, out went all thoughts of Autumn and in rushed Spring.  Pink always has that effect on me, so it’s no wonder that Ricielli’s sleek pink mini dress hijacked today’s post. Of course a dress alone does not a post make.
Last week I picked up the Daria Avatar from The Free Dove, plucked two makeup layers out of the box, and promptly forgot about all the other goodies included.  Today I thought, let’s see what got skipped.  Lucy, featured in this post, is essentially the Daria Avatar.
This is a fantastic freebie generously donated by You Got the Look by Darla.  The package includes two skin variations, a shape, 8 makeup applications, eyelashes, and Maitreya skin appliers.  Need I say more?  Hit the teleports!
Before I post the style card, I’d like to draw your attention to Lucy’s furry friend Cosmo the Magical Hamster.  He is a copy/mod free shoulder pet I found on marketplace.  I originally intended to enlarge him and use him in the photo shoot.  Poor Cosmo’s scenes got cut, but his horns grabbed my attention.  I was able to detach them from him, and resize them for Lucy.  Voila!  Instant cool horns.  Thanks Cosmo for the inspiration.
Lucy’s Style Card:
HAIR – LeLutka OOPS color demo – Powder *5 color sets worth a pickup* (0L)
SKIN – You Got the Look Daria Light Skin – Black Eyebrows @ The Free Dove (0L)
MAKEUP – You Got the Look Daria Avatar– Evening Eyes @ Free Dove (0L)
MAKEUP – You Got the Look Daria Avatar– Smiles Lip Color @ Free Dove (0L)
MAKEUP – :*BABY*:  Starry Night Blush @ Baby Princess Kids – SL Marketplace (0L)
SHAPE – You Got the Look Daria Avatar– Daria Shape @ The Free Dove (0L)
EYES – Poetic Colors Summer Sky Eyes – Beach Night – large medium (0L)
TATTOO – ::Para Designs::  Sleeping Ponies Freebie @ ::Para Designs:: – SL Marketplace (0L)
TATTOO – !!:: Wicked Tattoos ::ii  Pride Tattoo Freebie @ SL Marketplace (0L)
DRESS – Ricielli Audra Dress Gift @The Cosmopolitan Room (0L)
HORNS – Vlad Blackburn Cosmo the Magical Hamster @ SL Marketplace (0L)
RING – Arduenn Schwartzman Free Full-Perm Ring Pop @ SL Marketplace (0L)
SHOES – Vlad Blackburn Strapped Colorable Stiletto w/feet @ SL Marketplace (0L)
CHAIR – HPMD Bubble Chair – Lucky Chair Gift 6 styles & poses @ HPMD (0L)

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"Star Light, Star Bright"

Star Light, Star Bright

Welcome to All Spiffed Up!  A blog dedicated to creating free fashionable avatars in Second Life (SL).

Like many, I joined SL without a single Linden in my virtual pocket.  Of course, I didn’t think that would be a problem since I studiously researched SL freebies before joining.  Armed with a short list of freebie sims, I took my default avatar out into the grid.  Needless to say, after hours spent in the Freebie Dungeon, the look I cobbled together failed to impress the old timers who introduced me to SL.

Luckily, one of my friends loved making over NOOBs.  I was gifted a great hair and a lovely Gothic outfit. Then, after a landmark dump, I was promptly told to go buy myself an AO, a high quality skin, a shape, eyes, and “for goodness sake a decent pair of shoes!”  Apparently my Freebie Dungeon clunky prim boots were wholly unacceptable.

So, I bought Lindens, set out on a whirlwind shopping trip, and spent approximately $25 USD.  The end result was good looking, smooth moving avatar.  Of course that initial expenditure was just the tip of the iceberg. Am I complaining? No.  Have I, over my ten plus years in SL, learned how to dress my avatar for free?  ABSOLUTELY!

So, without further ado let’s get down to business…

… Time marches on folks.  The original style card published on September 17, 2016 is obsolete. 

One item remains available:
NECKLACE – Zyn Multi Hued Gem Necklace – Hematita @ Zyn – SL Marketplace (0L)

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