At this time of the year there is absolutely no point in trying to escape the gravitational pull of the pumpkin. Team All Spiffed Up has assembled an outfit that allows both classic and mesh avatars to embrace their inner pumpkin.
Let’s start today’s journey into the great orange unknown by teleporting to {amiable}. If you have not been to {amiable} before, you’re in for a treat. This store’s group is free to join, and offers a bunch of past gifts.
Our model picked today’s ensemble right off the group gift shelves. The dress is sized for Maitreya, Slink, Belleza, TMP and also includes an alpha for classic avatars. This scarf is one of several to choose from. It comes with a color HUD, but is also copy/mod so if the 5 shades on the HUD are not enough you can always go into edit mode and choose your own color.
This fun hairstyle is a group gift at COCO Designs.
These heels are an older style designed for classic avatars, but are also easily worn by mesh avatars by simply hiding the feet and wearing the heels. They are packaged with a color HUD, and are also copy/mod which allows for even more color changes in edit mode.
30 Days of Halloween 11/30 Style Card:
HAIR – COCO Designs Pumpkin Wig – orange or green (group gift 0L/0L to join)
DRESS – {amiable} Knit Tunic – orange & yellow for mesh & classic (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SCARF – {amiable} BlackFryday2015 Muffler – 5 color HUD (group gift 0L/0L to join)
SHOES – {amiable} 2200 Member GG – 3×3 color HUD (group gift 0L/0L to join)