Confession time, brace yourselves, I’m just going to put it out there… I LOVE MESH! Mesh hair, mesh clothing, mesh feet, mesh hands, mesh bodies, you get my point mesh is yummy.
The downside of mesh bodies and body parts is the price. It is rare to find a mesh body, and mesh feet/hands for free. When you do find a free mesh body it is usually a very scaled down version of its sister full price version.
The main features usually left off of free mesh bodies are:
- The built in alpha system.
- The ability to use appliers.
- Mesh feet and/or mesh hands
It’s the missing alpha system that makes the freebie mesh bodies so annoying to use on a daily basis. However, if you’re looking to upgrade your avatar and find there is an appalling lack of Linden dollars in your account they are the perfect choice.
Meet Everley the newest member of team All Spiffed Up.
Everley wears The Mesh Project (TMP) Beta free body(f) 24/7. Patience coupled with a bit of creative thinking is all that’s required to rock the TMP freebie daily.
Not only is Everley”s avartar 100% free, but the look was super easy to assemble. The mesh body & dress are from TMP.
Everley’s shape, hair, skin, and boots can all be found at The Free Dove. Her eyes are from the free Linden avatar Morgan.
So, if you don’t have the TMP body your only two teleports and a quick rummage through your inventory away from getting a new look.
Everley’s Style Card:
HAIR – Mutiny in Heaven (!MiH) Phayde dark brown @ The Free Dove (0L)
SKIN – Skin Style by Kira Elena option 2 @ The Free Dove (0L)
SHAPE – Shapes by MIM Angela Shape @ The Free Dove (0L)
EYES – Linden Labs Morgan Eyes @ Your SL Inventory (0L)
MESH BODY – The Mesh Project (BETA) Free Body(f) @ The Shops! (0L)
DRESS – The Mesh Project The Shops! Spring/Summer gift @ The Shops! (0L)
SHOES – cae.b Fogley Dark Rose Boots @ The Free Dove (0L)
LOCATION – Two Moon Gardens – A lovely garden shop.